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Best NLP Presentation Skills in Itunes

Best NLP Presentation Skills in Itunes

Image of presenting skills charts in ItunesThis is a brand new product that I recorded late 2014 and already reached number one in the top selling self-development charts in Itunes recently. That’s quite a thrill yet also acknowledges the quality recording and content inside. All of my experience in training Presentation skills to individuals and organisations over the last 16 years has been given to you in a format that you can listen on your phone or Ipad easily.

What’s on the recording?

Here are some of the bullets to what you’ll find inside:

• Gain group rapport quickly and genuinely
• How to use energy to engage a group of thousands
• The 4-Mat system – a quantifiable process to lead you through the presentation
knowing where you are at all times
• The Now State to keep your energy and emotions in control
• The Satir Categories to guide you how to use your body
• How to use metaphor to deeply influence your audience
• The physical aspects of running a Presentation

Here’s an example of the kind of thinking employed during the audio book.

Charisma and Rapport Building

One of the easiest ways to build rapport with a group you haven’t met before is as follows.

1. Take command from the first minute. Someone is going to be the leader of the group, so it might as well be you – the
facilitator. (If this does not happen, you will not have an easy job getting the group to respond to you).

2. Use Sensory based language opening in this format:

Feeling ==> Auditory ==> Visual

Start off slowly and with feeling so the delegates can get a grasp of things.

You will probably want to say that you will be telling them a few stories, some of which might ring a few bells.

As you increase the speed of your voice, you can get into the big picture, show them an image or two, ask them to look out for certain things and then to get focused on their outcomes.

Settle down to a rate that is comfortable for you and your audience.

So the idea that your content is king is not entirely true; who you are being and how you are using your tone of voice, your body language and appealing to the different brain types is paramount.

You can find this product on Itunes by clicking here:

“This recording is the most simple, but comprehensive expression of how to intimately connect with an audience, however large. I use this now and it supplements my presentations incredibly”. Amy Humphries – Presenter and Media consultant

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