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4-Mat System

The 4-Mat system

The basic premise of the 4-Mat system is that we all have different learning styles. Some people are motivated by Why? questions. They want to know why they are listening to this talk. Others by What? questions; they want information…and probably lots of it! The How? people want to get on and do an exercise, get their hands on it and try it. Then there are the What if? people who want to know how this material applies to their life, workplace or environment.

Which one are you?

If you are going to teach the 4-Mat (or any learning style), mixed in with this, you’ll need some humour, good metaphors (opened loops are the best), and an ability to manage the energy of the room whilst staying connected to the whole group simultaneously.

Sound easy? It can be with a little practice and a good teacher.

presentaions man pointing at screenthumbnailOf course we have a product I am proud of to assist you in being an excellent Presenting skills, NLP style trainer!

NLP Presentation Skills

If you want a bit of a laugh, here are some outtakes from a presentation skills recording. Click here for a giggle!

For Presentation Skills see here for an example


We provide face to face training in how to use the 4-Mat System during our NLP Master Practitioner Courses.

Who can benefit from this?

Trainers, people responsible for leading meetings and communicating new information to people, business professionals managing change or learning within organisations, public speakers, business owners that want to help potential clients understand what they do. In essence, it’s useful for all communication that involves any learning process that requires someone else to understand and remember the message you are conveying.

Why use it?

Achieve more through your communication

Build high performing teams

Engage a wider audience

Make your message more memorable

Lead workshops and appeal to the whole group

There are many more reasons for using this technique well.

We dedicate time to this during our Master Practitioner programme. Find out more about our Master Practitioner Courses here.

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Next NLP Practitioner retreat course is in South Africa

And Only £1500


(Including accommodation and food. Numbers restricted)

Upcoming Courses

9th Nov – 15th Nov 2024

(Retreat, SA)

Pay for courses in three monthly instalments!

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