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NLP Master Practitioner Accredited Courses

Terry Elston
Terry Elston
What will you get from the all new Master Practitioner course with NLP World?

“Terry, thank you so much for a wonderful training session. I am flying so high I don’t think I’ll need to use BA to get to Tampa this week! Before, I knew that I could be a great NLP Practitioner but I didn’t know it, now I do. Thanks again. See ya Viv”

Vivien Melanie

Here’s what’s on your NLP Master Practitioner Training:

Click here for NLP Master Practitioner training course dates.

We start by uncovering the small subject of reality itself! We will look at what you called reality and how we all make our own reality, including problems!

Let’s give you an idea of what people are saying about the course:

“Thanks again for last weekend.  Only one word – awesome!  The real description is somewhere in the Infinite Cosmos…… Anyway, I got to playing with whether I could make it to the next Module 3 – what if I did / what if I didn’t / for what purpose not going, and concluded that I HAD to be there”.

Adrian Munday

OK back to the course descriptions:

…the rest of the first next two days are looking at how to construct/destruct this reality through the eyes of language… Chunking up and Quantum Linguistics!
Quantum Linguistics
Master Practitioners are masters of language. What you’ll learn is the natural way that language follows the laws of Quantum Physics; now we call it Quantum Linguistics! Now you can blow out problems the way that your body would have done it naturally anyway. You’ll have a chance to experience the void – a place where no problems can exist – an exciting prospect!

Day three and four we take a trip into the most useful piece of training you’ll ever come across… Values!

NLP ValuesValues
Values are what is important to us. That’s not rocket science, yet when you learn that they are all unconscious and dictate what you and others do in life; you’ll find out how important they are to learn about. During this section you’ll learn how to elicit values easily during a conversation and how to change them when they do not provide you or your clients with consistent or congruent results.

Next, we go into a journey of advanced NLP, through metaprograms, presentation skills and Master Coaching.

NLP MetaprogramsMetaprograms
Metaprograms are unconscious filters of perception. We use them to process information and to structure our reality. This technique is useful for personality profiling and you will amaze others at your ability to predict behaviour in minutes! You will also be able to conduct assessment sessions, for use in determining people for the right places in the right jobs. There are many personality profiling techniques out there, including Myers Briggs, yet we have designed a very easy to remember format which appeals more to the underlying internal filter systems; it will sound like a conversation but the client will tell you everything about their world without trying to answer the questions in the ‘right’ way!

NLP Presentation SkillsPresentation Skills
You will know how to read a room and react accordingly. Master presenters have the ability to be themselves, whilst delivering your message to many different personalities at once. Presenting is the number two fear in the world; when we show you how easy it is the NLP World way, you may want to get out there immediately and start presenting! The power of a presenter comes before he or she even says one word; we show you these secrets and give you feedback that will allow you to gain group rapport in any circumstance, regardless of the content you are delivering. We also show you sleight of mouth patterns that reframe awkward situations in seconds.

Another viewpoint:

“Thank you, Terry, for training me so very well on the Master NLP course… I think you are the most highly rated external trainer/coach I have experienced in 20 years.”

Robin Johnson HR Partner, OvationXL

Modelling Project
Anything you can do, so can I. We show you how to master the process of modelling.

Coaching has become a buzz word over time and more people are getting involved in this area. Coaching is a term that has no substance to it unless there is some kind of structure that you can follow. We show you that structure and how to develop yourself in the market place, how to get business coming your way and how to make sure you are ahead of the competition.

Next, will see you enter into a new reality of your ability to play with time! The Time-Based Techniques section and Master Hypnosis takes and gives you a magic wand of time travel into realities, to release old events from their old moorings.

NLP Health & HealingNLP in health and healing

We have groundbreaking new material that only has become available recently.
This revolution in health and healing will leave you with a lasting impression for the rest of your lives. You will never be able to think of a disease in the same way again! The section links in with NLP very nicely as the notion of your mind and body being connected is the main theme.

We also take you into a health and healing section, called Meta-Medicine. You can take a look here for more information on Meta-Medicine. Even if you don’t feel like becoming a health practitioner, this introduction should be essential listening for your own awareness about new medicine practices for you and your family! It’s quantum health thinking!

Time-Based TechniquesTime-Based Techniques

Time-Based Techniques are growing in popularity as a way of clearing out the cupboards of the past. On the Master Practitioner course you will learn how to time travel inside the model of Time-Based Techniques; yet with a more conversational slant to it.

We also have some new techniques as shown below:

  • New regression technique – with content!
  • Drop down through technique
  • Advance Anxiety remover
  • Dealing with major health and healing issues
  • Conversational Time-Based Techniques

NLP Hypnosis - Group TrancesHypnotherapy Master Practitioner

We take you from where you are on a fantastic journey through your unconscious mind by trust and skill. The point of this section is to allow yourself to trust your unconscious mind to the extent that your perceptions increase beyond the scope of what is known as telepathy, to a new dimension where you can experiment and play with energy on a deeper level than ever before. We will show you the Dave Elman inductions and George Estabrooks also. There will be the usual laughter and a chance to experience how stage hypnosis works.

You can click here to learn more about hypnosis training.

Break-though sessions

Two days of working one-to-one using everything you now know that you didn’t before!

This is an incredible experience as the client, yet also it will show you how much value you give as a Master Practitioner and therefore how much you should charge for your invaluable services in the future!

This NLP Master Practitioner training is fully accredited and certified by the ANLP giving you reassurance that your certification is valued worldwide!

“Can I just say a huge thank you to both you and Adam, I was just saying to Amanda what a wonderful experience it has been to have gone through the course.  I still find it spooky how powerful intention can be and if ever I needed another convincer I have had another 3 people call me since Tuesday asking to set up interviews for jobs. Keep in touch. Love to you both!”

James Evans Master Practitioner June 2010

Master Practitioner Training

Click Here For NLP Master Practitioner Course Schedule and Booking

Pay for your training in three easy instalments!!

Next NLP Practitioner retreat course is in South Africa

And Only £1500


(Including accommodation and food. Numbers restricted)

Upcoming Courses

9th Nov – 15th Nov 2024

(Retreat, SA)

Pay for courses in three monthly instalments!

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NLP Training Courses? 

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