When presenting, you want to feel good and have good energy for the audience. These tracks, will give you a sublime melange of binaural beats and brain entrainment waves to allow the brain perfect absorption of the messages here for you.
It is a perfect marriage with Advanced Presentation skills which goes into full depth of how to make an excellent presentation from A – Z.
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It is indeed one of the more rewarding experiences in life to stand up in front of an appreciative audience & wow them. And the skills required to find your own voice & style with your audiences can definitely be learned by anyone. And yet, while many people see public speaking as something they want to enjoy doing, it continues to rank among the most often-expressed fears people have.
If this describes you, we’d like to show you how you can get past those fears with zero pain, and maximum fun. Getting from Scared — to Ready and Excited — can be amazingly easy.
Even if you’re not one of the many people who aren’t comfortable in front of any audience, there are a variety of well-known methods for public speaking that use outdated and inefficient training methods, that despite their great intentions, take far too much time to master.
The tracks have been beautifully enhanced with sounds that allow your mind to relax before a presentation and give you confidence!
This product works best coupled with the Advanced Presentation Skills MP3 and Hakalau technique. 25 minutes long
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