What is NLP?
What is NLP? An article all about the beginnings, and the nature of what NLP is really all about
What is NLP? An article all about the beginnings, and the nature of what NLP is really all about
Here’s some excerpts. Some are easier than others, so here I’ve classified them to match your level of commitment for a day. Sometimes you may want to take just a level one task (easier) and sometimes a heavy s*** task (level 3).
NLP Books – 365 Ways to do your life’s work Read More »
I’ve been writing articles on the mental game for some time now and more often than not I find myself writing “…in golf, and life…”. This is because the keys to finding success and fulfillment in golf are often exactly the same as the keys to finding success and fulfillment in life. Through my coaching and training over the last 15 years, I’ve been lucky enough to help literally thousands of people lead extremely happy and fulfilled lives. I’d like to share with you 10 parallels I have noticed to help inspire you to more success and fulfilment in both. Here they are:
Some people may assume that NLP has a lot to do with positive thinking, affirmations and being ‘happy’. In fact, NLP has a lot to say about positive thinking and being, yet the story is more involved than that….
NLP & Positive Thinking Read More »
Let’s break down the name just a bit so you’ll understand the foundations before moving on. “Neuro” stands for the mind and how it influences and controls the body. It is much more than just the physical brain; rather, it is the way that the brain affects the body on both conscious and subconscious levels.
NLP Training: The Basics Read More »
It was known that to wield a word, create a picture and utter meaningful sounds had the creative power of the universe woven into each of those arts….
The hero and the habit Read More »
NLP and Psychology, an article by Wesley Kew, Clinical Psychologist and Master Practitioner of NLP
NLP and Psychology Read More »
Advice for People Thinking about a Career in NLP There are many people who are already using the principles of NLP inside their chosen career. Yet if you want to use NLP exclusively – what can you do with this and how do you make it work for you? From my own example, I had
Advice for People Thinking about a Career in NLP Read More »
When you look at luck, chance, synchronicity and power, how much do your perceptions play a part? Firstly, let’s take a look at Derren Brown (who has NLP training), and his ‘test’ for the perceptions of being lucky or not. What this shows us is the power of perceptions in our
The Power of Perceptions Read More »
“There are three main ingredients for which we live: We live for the body, we live for the mind and we live for the soul. Not one of these is better or holier than the other; all are desirable, and not one of the three: body, mind, or soul can live fully if either of the others is cut short of full life and expression. It is not right or morally ‘good’ to live only for the soul and deny mind or body, and it is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body or soul.”
NLP Books The ABC of Abundant Living Read More »
Do not worry about how your ideas will manifest. If you are true to yourself, like children who have been treated well, they will grow up by themselves, leave home and multiply many times over!
NLP Books – Inspirational & Motivation Quotes Read More »
Inspirational and Motivational Quotes: Possibly the best way to start your day! This book was written by Benjamin Bonetti and Terry Elston to inspire and motivate you every day of the year…and more! There are 500 quotes for you to put into your daily diet. It’s the perfect book to open up and kick-start your mind into a new paradigm each day.
Inspirational and Motivational Quotes Read More »
NLP Training has been in South Africa for a short while now, yet NLP World are the only company that can offer you an Internationally accredited certification that spans the globe!
NLP Training in Capetown, South Africa Read More »