Does NLP really work?
NLP has been around for over 35 years now and still going strong – but what’s the truth about it and does it really work or is it just a clever marketing tool for would-be Anthony Robbins clones?
Let’s have a look at what it’s supposed to be via the marketing and then let’s take a look under the bedclothes…..
Neuro Linguistic Programming is marketed as series of techniques that Practitioners can attain by what’s called “Modelling”. Modelling claims to instal the patterns of a successful person into anyone who can gain access to the inner workings of their mind, body and soul.
Well there are a few flaws to that “Model of the World”. Firstly, if an individual has limitations that do not synch with the successful person they are modelling, then the capabilities will not ‘upload. The same way an advanced computer operating system will not work on a platform that cannot support it.
Therefore we can all have the belief “I can do that” – yet when it comes to the capabilities, you’ll fall short. Of course capabilities can be learned with a good attitude over time, so there’s a starting point.
The originators of NLP, John Grinder and Richard Bandler announced that NLP started with a good attitude. Then they said the next point was to observe the process and structure of the deeper workings to an individual. Which then would lead a practitioner to learn so much that the last bit, a technique would emerge to get success with a client or situation.
After that, it was just a question of training practitioners to look in the right places and how to have this good attitude to gain awareness perspectives.
What are these NLP awareness techniques?
The Hakalau, (or also called the learning state – or as we call it at NLP World – ‘the NOW state’).
Sensory Awareness (also called sensory acuity).
Most of NLP is based on these two ‘techniques’ and they form the cornerstone of any useful intervention.
Where NLP gets slightly more complex and you’d need skill sets are the languaging capabilities. It is still about awareness and ”being there’, and also an ability to stop and choose certain phrases that suit the moment to allow changes to take place within another being.
With these three abilities, any NLP practitioner will be successful over time.
So when we hear stories about NLP and the techniques – the truth about NLP is – the only techniques useful are the ones that the Practitioner is creating during a session, built from the abilities above – the rest is marketing.