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Education – Right and Left Brain Thinking

Explorations in Conceptual Thinking – By Jerome Whitney

Education – Right and Left Brain Thinking

A few thoughts about what is being attempted. It is my view that one of the several unstated but real motivating factors underlying the home education movement is the desire of its parents to provide learning dynamics that lead to balanced development of their children.

Currently the state and most private education systems focus almost exclusively on the left-brain linear cognitive skills and avoid any significant provision for development of the right brain associative lateral thinking skills. The result is a filling of young people with facts to pass left-brain cognitive based examinations. However there is no real support for the skills needed to connect those facts into a meaningful whole that is uniquely relevant to each one of them on an individual basis.

Overall the availability of cognitive facts has reached an immediacy unprecedented in history through the world wide web. One does not need to attend a formal institutional education system to access them. Meanwhile, the level of linguistic and articulative skills in home-schooled children is significantly higher than those in the state schooled pupils of equivalent age levels. What is needed is experience that provides the opportunity to employ those skills both conceptual and abstract in ways that will aid them in their individual quests to understand the world that they are inheriting.

As a very specific example: What is needed are the mental tools to be able to go on to Wikipedia in the alternative health subjects categories and to spot the bias, buried agendas, and ‘cherry picking’ of selected facts (i.e. disinformation) in order to recognize when one is being manipulated by entries that seem to be objective but which are not.

Aside from the deliberate misinformation mentioned above, do we spend time reflecting on the assumptions underlying the words and language we use regularly?

What is meant by the expression “My space?” “Your space?” How is it determined?
How good are you at keeping your word?
What does the word “happy” mean to you?
What is freedom?
What is respect?
What is time? Is time the same for everyone? What is time when you are happy? Sad?
What are facts?
Should one’s word, and action be consistent with each other?
What is a Right? Who decided it had that meaning?
What is real?
What is a dream?
What happens when you try to describe a complex dream to a friend or write it down?
What If……………………….?

However, after all is said and done, what are the questions that the young people with emerging quantum minds seeking to explore as they wrestle with integrating into or changing an ethos that is still dominated by left brain linear materialistic thinking and structures?

Jerome Whitney

I will follow this up with other related articles on Right and Left Brain Education

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