Online NLP Practitioner Training Course
The NLP World Online Training Course is a complete, video-based training program designed to teach you everything you need to know, to become a highly effective at Coaching with NLP.
You will also be communicating and working DIRECTLY with the people who designed this course (unlike other companies who are a broker to the actual training provider).
You can also get accreditation with ACCPH and SFTR with our program (see further down this page).
The NLP World Online NLP Practitioner Training Course is a simply fantastic, state-of-the-art media package – and is the whole curriculum of NLP. You will be able to have an experience of NLP in action by watching the LIVE demonstrations with REAL clients.
What is the Online NLP Practitioner Course For?
- Leading NLP Resources
- Quality Training Material
- Easy to Follow Structure
- Ideal Training Aid
- Results Driven Material
- The Whole NLP Curriculum
- Life Changing Techniques
- Real live client videos
- Quantum Philosophy
What Will I Learn From the Online NLP Practitioner Course?
What’s included are five Modules of highly specific great quality visual and actionable NLP training. Professionally filmed with supplementary live client training videos to aid your understanding of the modules.
The Online NLP training course is a great fit if you are someone who is looking for skills and techniques that you can immediately apply to your personal and business life to create positive changes.
You do not need any prior knowledge of NLP to get the most out of this course, we will teach you everything you need to know at a speed that is comfortable to you.
If you are looking for a complete NLP Practitioner training course then this is a great place to start. By graduating from the Online NLP Training course you will also be eligible to enrol onto a live training course – and you have already completed your pre-course assignment!
You will learn about the detailed fabric of what NLP consists of, how it works, and the attitude to adopt which will create radical shifts in your own life, and those with whom you work.
Module 1 - The Cornerstones of NLP
In this module you’ll learn:
This module covers the cornerstones on which Neuro-Linguistic Programming is built. These principles and techniques are by no way simply ‘beginners’ material. What you will learn (even at this starting stage) is the fabric and understanding of how the human brain/mind works.
You will learn how our reality is created by our own perceptions and how to change them.
Sensory Awareness, learn the kind of powerful techniques that made Derren Brown famous
Matching and Mirroring, inside the module on Rapport – we show you how it really works, not just the technique itself.
The Now State, our most powerful technique – which will allow you and your clients to access all the information from the subconscious minds which were previously not accessible. Probably the most revolutionary technique in change work today!
How to deeply dance with the unconscious mind of another for rapport, persuasion and ethical influence. Right from the beginning, we will be giving you the very best coaching tools so you can begin your coaching journey.
Most coaching courses typically only focus on goal setting and results-based coaching, but here at NLP world, we’ll be giving you the skills and techniques that will let you to bust through the mental and emotional blockages your clients may have which are keeping them stuck and without choice.
Module 2 – Advanced Coaching Skills
In this module you will learn:
The little known techniques and questions that will ensure that your clients are setting goals that they truly want (and not just what they think they want)
The one essential question that you need to know to elicit a client’s Values in one easy step.
The advanced Meta Model – questioning techniques that will uncover the truth of any situation or problem.Our words are powerful neurological tools and as such, our internal and external worlds are created through the language that we use.
This module looks into the “Linguistic” part of NLP and focuses on the advanced language skills that will allow you to deeply dance with the unconscious mind of another and to create change on a neurological, not just psychological level.
Module 3 – Advanced Use of Language
In this module you will learn:
How to use the Hierarchy of Ideas to traverse between the specific and abstract language which may be keeping someone stuck in one interpretation
How to use lateral thinking to create metaphors which will create space and understandings of a situation which were not accessible from a previous standpoint.
How to use language which will allow you to communicate with the unconscious mind of another without the interference of their conscious mind.
You can join the world of Milton Erickson, by learning the Milton Model, a powerful linguistic model. Terry Elston also has esoteric knowledge of language that he’s happy to share.
Get ready for some mind-bending fun! This module is all about the transformational language techniques that NLP is famous for.

Module 4 – The Toolbox of NLP
In this module you will learn:
How you can create a powerful neurological anchor in someone just by using carefully selected language
How you can collapse or remove a negative state by integrating it into a powerful super anchor (or stacked state)
How to use sub-modalities to change the code of internal representations including beliefs, feelings, and emotions.
How to reframe a situation that is keeping someone stuck by using our 2-step technique.
How to perform a “parts integration” to incorporate elements of a person’s neurology that have become isolated and are causing fear, worry, doubt, or segregation.
Module 5 – Strategies
Strategies are the way that we do what we do. They are HOW we create our results in life, and therefore, by studying strategies you can change the results you are seeing in your life or those of your clients or organizations.
In this module you will learn:
How to understand and use eye patterns for more effective communication.
How to elicit a strategy and how to change elements of a strategy to increase positive results and choice.
How to sell anything with authenticity, integrity, and empathy using our 6 step sales strategy.
What’s Included in the Online NLP Practitioner Course?
The Online NLP Training course is a completely online Video-based training program accessed through our private membership area.
You can gain the certification of NLP Diploma or NLP Coach (NLP Coach is reserved for live training).
Instead of having to wait for anything to arrive in the post, you’ll immediately have lifelong access to all of the online material including;
- 5 Modules (16 sections) of highly specific great quality visual and actionable NLP training.
- Professionally filmed supplementary live clients training videos to aid your understanding of the modules (not supplied on most other online training programs).
- 18 downloadable Coaching Forms, including coaching agreements, session questions, booking spreadsheets, client register and much more.
- Fully downloadable videos so you don’t have to stream (particularly important for people with low or unreliable internet areas).
- Live feedback to any questions you may have (live, by telephone Zoom/Skype or email) from NLP World trainers.
A reminder that each section can be downloaded so you don’t have to stream.
What Extras Are Included in the NLP Online Course?
- Contact with the trainers here, live (Skype/Zoom telephone) and via email or web contact
- Downloadable Coaching Forms, including Coaching Agreements, Session Questions, Booking Spreadsheets, plus Client Register
- The Full NLP World Manual in PDF format
- Interactive processes/questions on each module to test and deepen your understanding/personal development
- Fully downloadable videos so you can watch the training offline.
- Upgrade to a live training less the money you paid for your online.
- Answers to any questions you may have in the membership comments area from NLP World trainers.
How Much & How Long is the NLP Online Training?
The total duration of the course is 20 hours in total including test questions (honestly, any longer is not required). Total costs inc. vat and certificate is £449. (STOP THE PRESS WE JUST REDUCED TO £149 FOR THIS PERIOD) (certificate sent in PDF form to print from your own device).
We suggest you take this Online NLP Practitioner Training Course if you want a real experience of NLP (as opposed to a series of videos and none live) – and is the whole curriculum of NLP.
Once experienced (or if you are an NLP Practitioner already) we suggest taking your Online NLP Master Practitioner Course next.
This is one of the ONLY online courses that gives you ACCESS TO NLP TRAINERS for feedback or questions, LIVE if requested).NLP techniques are highly valuable and immediately applicable skills in areas such as business, coaching, leadership, marketing, and healthcare.
NLP techniques are highly valuable and immediately applicable skills in areas such as business, coaching, leadership, marketing, and healthcare.
We’ve combined the best of our teachings from years (21 years) of live training into an easy-to-follow video-based program that will leave you with tangible skills and time-proven techniques to create change on a deep neurological level – all from the comfort of your own home!
4.6 / 5.0 (NLP Course Reviews)
Is This a Full NLP Practitioner Training Programme?
All of the material covered in this Online NLP Training Program is included as the pre-study material for a live NLP Practitioner Training program.
This online course by itself is NOT a full NLP Practitioner certification program but it is a fully certified NLP Diploma.
You can become a member with ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists, and Hypnotherapists) when you receive your diploma from us.
Online NLP Practitioner Accreditation
After successfully completing your online program you can apply to become a member of ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists, and Hypnotherapists).
Our online program fulfills their criteria so you just need to send your diploma across (scan) with an email stating you trained with us. You can also get a membership with SFTR (The Therapy Register) after successfully completing our online course(s).
NLP World – Taking the Online NLP Education by Storm
With some of the most comprehensive online NLP Training Material to our name, and having worked with some of the world’s top influential organizations, NLP World is bringing about a revolution in Online NLP Education.
4.6 / 5.0 (NLP Course Reviews)
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Our Online NLP Training Courses Guarantee!
NLP World promises that this course is an excellent online training facility to learn and digest the curriculum of NLP plus valuable coaching tools that will enable you to perform to your potential.
Terms & Conditions
Seven-day full money-back guarantee if the program is faulty (and can’t be fixed) or you can’t access the videos from where you are.
If you find that it fails to deliver in any way, we will firstly help to resolve any issues you may be experiencing and, if that can’t be done, we will give you your money back!
Please Email me, Terry Elston, at for any more information you need before booking.
Streaming & Downloads
Remember that all of the videos can either be streamed or DOWNLOADED onto your own PC or Mac, therefore you can still access our high quality content, even if you have a poor internet connection.
We recommend you look at the trailers we have first to make sure you can play videos and look at the images.
Downloadable media content will be provided in a Zip file. Please ensure you have a Zip utility program, which is able to extract the content, and a media player for viewing the videos offline.
Secure Transactions
NLP World uses the following 3rd party providers to ensure that transactions and payments are processed securely.