Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – defined as ‘the study of excellence’ – has long been recognised as a leadership and development platform for top performance enhanced techniques.
How can Neuro Linguistic Programming help with leadership and development?
NLP World has been at the forefront of enhanced expose of NLP within leadership and development context across a range of corporations.
What kind of ‘edge’ does NLP give you?
One way NLP assist leaders and management to get ahead of the gain line, is from the advanced language patterns and physiology techniques which reveal the deeper structure of meaning that influences our beliefs, thoughts and behaviour.
As well as significantly improving your performance at work, NLP techniques and approaches will help you to establish and maintain rapport, explore and alter negative patterns of behaviour, and radically improve your ability to communicate effectively.
NLP will also change the way you operate in, and think about, the world around you. The skills you learn on this course will also positively effect other areas of your life too. We guarantee you’ll be using these skills throughout your career.
Here are some of the companies NLP World has worked with and also the context:
- Sony Eriksson:
- NLP techniques for quality selling skills
- JP Morgan Chase Bank:
- Influencing and Negotiation Skills
- American Express:
- The Business Results & Management Development Programme
- Takeda:
- Presentation skills and team building
- Merrill Lynch:
- Team Leadership Development
- British Airways:
- Career Development Change Management
- MOD:
- Training staff in NLP skills
- HMRC (Inland Revenue):
- Call centre; Bridging the gap between management and first line support
- Celtic Technologies (Land reclamation experts):
- The Power of Successful Selling
- Sainsburys:
- Career Change Consultancy
- Cabinet Office Whitehall:
- Communication skills training and one to one coaching
- Ernst and Young:
- Coaching Skills
- Home Office:
- Training staff in NLP techniques
- Standard Life:
- Winning at Presentations
- Granada:
- Culture Change
- Lend Lease:
- Presentation skills, motivational coaching skills and management development skills
- First Plus (Finance House):
- Recruitment & Selection Interviewing
- The Planning Inspectorate:
- Team Building and Leadership Success
- The Mall at Cribbs Causeway Prudential (Retail Park):
- Customer Care
- AXA Insurance:
- Management Change Skills
- Education Department:
- Communication Skills for Teachers and performance enhancing skills for the pupils
- Liberties:
- Culture Change
- Scottish Power:
- Career Change Consultancy
What We Discovered
We found that most managers and employees of businesses, the people that implement your plans, don’t believe they are successful! They are often questioning themselves to see if they are doing their job right, resulting in them working extremely hard, leaving work stressed and feeling undervalued.
Research and experience tell us that very few people have the training skills coupled with knowledge of what the future impact of training has on a team or individual; the knowledge, language or communication skills to turn these situations around.
Business Training
They have no idea how to clear out their own issues to get a work-life balance and just as importantly create a win/win outcome for their business. In other words, they had no plan for dealing with these ‘human’ problems.
Perhaps You Can Relate To This Too
Maybe you can relate to some of the points here; certainly, it’s a major problem for many companies. As a business that focuses only on you getting your overall results, we provide the latest techniques that give your managers and teams with the language and communication skills that turn failure into successes – without the pain. That’s not all; we also found that people like you wanted to be sure that you get what you asked for and for that to be guaranteed!
Learning That Your People Take An Active Role
For any type of learning to really work you need something that people don’t just listen to but where they physically take part. You want solutions that are fast and immediately effective, where the learning and improvement in people and skills carries on, way after the program has finished; where your people have the ability in the future to know what’s missing and how to deal with it when they come across an unforeseen problem.
So what we always advise is that for any training program, the company provides one to one coaching. From research on training effectiveness, it has been proven that training alone has limited success, with only the top performers getting the most from any workshops given. The medium to low performers need something a little more personal and that’s where coaching comes into play.
Course Content includes:
• Introduction to NLP
• Establishing and Maintaining Rapport
• Body Language
• Managing Your Own State
• Self Awareness and Sensory Acuity
• The Importance of Business Ethics
• Improving Communication With Language
• The Power of Questions
• Language Patterns for Influence
• Using metaphor and stories
• Working with Beliefs and Values
• Defining New Directions for Yourself and Others
• Negotiation techniques
• Advanced Presentation skills
• Reframing powefully and quickly for recovery
• Leadership, managing and Alignment
• Strategy in business
So basically, we are talking about staff getting engaged and personally contacted to show they make a difference in your corporation.
So how does staff engagement relate to NLP?
Recently, NLP World took on running a staff training for GDS International. There were 100 sales staff and 35 senior managers to train in excellent communication and leadership skills. Although the brief was for a one day training, I negotiated the package for one to one sessions afterwards to consolidate the package. Knowing that change and motivation comes from people being taken care of at the deepest level, we set about backing up the principles of NLP we supplied with personally tailored coaching sessions.
This allowed the medium performers to let go of whatever was holding them back, to begin to perform at their highest levels.
Any training course is only as good as the personal attention you can give to staff who are under performing, or who you want to perform to the best of their abilities. Staff engagement through NLP techniques and coaching is one way to make that happen.
For your corporate bespoke training, email Terry Elston on