Poverty Consciousness
There seems to be a presupposition that having no money (or not much) is really bad with little opportunity. And that having money means endless opportunity and a much happier life. The new UK prime minister, Theresa May is making a point of letting the working class know that she believes in her new catch phrase “Meritocracy”. To those who are too poor and destitute to know what that word means (I found a few thousand pounds and googled it), it relates to advantages given (or earned) by the merit by which they were worked for.
There is a hint of the Druid saying Everyone is equal in Spirit, yet not in privilege. In other words, if you are the farmer and you toiled the soil, planted the seeds and nurtured them, then you are right to reap the rewards (or at least the majority) of your endeavours.
Yet who is to say that money equals social abundance, spiritually high energy, love, trust, knowing and the ability to act in life? Some may say it’s a good downpayment! But of all the most prominent and respected philosophers and leaders of men, which of those every cited money as the eternal freedom all humans seek?
Did Jesus, Muhammed, Mother Theresa, Einstein, Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Emmeline Pankhurst or any other transformational leader say “I just need a few million pounds to make this idea work.” They were probably the forerunners of the contemporary crowdfunders, yet never relied on donations to continue the work. Or never cited university as their savour.
The famous movies of Harry Potter told the story of innately powerful and magical children, being slowly robbed of their powers by outside influences. What if our power of abundance does not relate to how much memory power we used to learn by rote? What if children can make things happen by being the natural, evolutionary, creative seed that they were born with?
Personally I had little education to come away with and got out of schooling as quickly as possible at 16 years of age. And never went back. I suffered from ignorance, more than lack of schooling. So I went down a few interesting paths, messed around with drugs, got in trouble with the police a few times and had very unstable relationships. Now I train the police in communication skills and resilience tactics.
I have also trained the old labour government in influencing skills, plus the school system, including Christs Hospital in powerful communication and presenting skills. Plus my trainers and myself have taught 21 Blue Chip companies a myriad of human being skills to master practitioner level. These skills were not taught to me (us) at school.
There are so many life skills that do not require learning by memory alone: The ability to stand in the present tense (I call this The Now State). The art of sensory awareness. How language is a powerful creative force. How to use consciously the presuppositions of life. All these skills are essential for a being to truly be called human. Hu as in light and man as in being.
My abilities came to light when I learned how to clear my own garden of the rubbish that had been placed in there, during my formulation years (and maybe even though the DNA). So it wasn’t about learning by rote that gave success. It was Unlearning and finding the natural power of creation that sits inside every human being. In the seed is the tree. My learning is to find out about that seed and promote everything that is that seed, rather than plaster over it with everything that isn’t.
What we need is more abundance awareness, than poverty consciousness.