Below is a good structure for a client breakthrough session with NLP Overview. Natalie Rae performed this session and outlined excellently, the structure and process for how to get yourself and your client mentally ready for the journey ahead.
Pre-session discussions:
(Client) said that she wants to work on her weight and her confidence.
I used Meta model and some questions to understand more about the problem and the context and triggers.
So the client requirements for satisfaction were agreed as: Control over eating and confidence to do family activities such as swimming or cycling. This would get her joy, happiness and health.
Pre session actions agreed:
Write a timeline of life up to now
Note down every day when the lack of confidence happens and the thing that has happened immediately
before and email me daily
Write down all the experiences she has missed out on as a result of the problem
Write down all of the things she can do when the problem disappears
Opening the Session notes:
Opened the sessions with a recap on what was previously discussed, thanked her for actions and used Milton Model to install that changes were already taking place because she has the intent.
Explained conscious / unconscious mind
Set up the space, explained that there will be times when I ask questions that don’t make sense, times when you may express emotion or fee intense emotion and that’s ok because changes are taking place, explained that there will be tired after the session which is the mind resolving and regenerating. Explained that I wanted her to answer questions without thinking and analysing and linked back to relationship with unconscious mind. Explained that I may take notes and may cover things that we have already discussed.
Notes from Session:
Established and confirmed contexts and triggers, which are when she is alone, meeting new people, watching something on TV that she really likes, bored in the day between jobs. I asked her to walk me through it ‘how do you know it’s time to’, did fast forwards and rewinds to establish exact points.
Note from Editor: There were many more actions and description on the above session but keeping client confidentiality can’t post here:
Post session action plans
Txt me every day with update
Read instead of eat when (person) goes to bed which she enjoys and chose as her replacement and if this
does not satisfy her she will squeeze her finger and access resources and positive states.
Swimming Wednesday
Walking instead of getting bus twice in the week
We agreed to have another session as intuitively I know there is more to work with in terms of identity and also wealth values.
What I did well:
Now state really strong and maintained it throughout the whole session without any break in the state.
Stayed relaxed when things didn’t go to plan, like her saying she doesn’t know
Maintained confidence and worked on intuition, confident experimenting
Great rapport
Picked up on cues and changes in physiology well
Put the accountability on her and made it clear I was the facilitator and the results are down to her intention
and relationship with unconscious
Practised newly gained techniques confidently Improvement
I think a swish or a like to dislike could have had a clearer result and convincer
Need to work on law of least effort
It would have been more powerful if I got her to have food next to us and compare her desire for it before
and after
Could have had a quicker result if able to access the reason or low self-esteem and work on identity as this isthe very core so to access that would bust the rest
Give the confidence before asking her to let go of the fear
Needed to presuppose success more and have more conviction in long term changes, even though I knew another session was needed, I still should have projected more definitive confidence in the transformation.
The overall outcome was that she said she would recommend (a number of) people she knows to me as she has told them about me and they are interested and could she give them my number and she said she was excited about the brighter new her and her face lit up.