META-Medicine – Summary – Biological Laws
In summary, the discoveries can be presented as follows:
1. The first biological law
The Iron Rule of Cancer
Criterion 1: Every cancer or cancer-equivalent disease originates with a SEE (significant
emotional event) which will have the components of:
Very difficult, highly acute, dramatic and isolating shock
The experience of shock conflict is simultaneous or virtually simultaneous on all three levels:
1. on the psyche
2. On the brain
3. In the organ
Criterion 2: The conflict content determines at the moment of the SEE the location of the HH in the brain as well as the corresponding location of the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ (body).
Criterion 3: The development of the conflict determines a definite development of the HH in the brain and a very definite development of the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ.
2. The second biological law
Every disease in medicine, inasmuch as there is a resolution of the conflict, is a two-phased occurrence.
Of the few hundred diseases known –at a rough estimate– we find that in about half of them patients have cold hands and a cold periphery, while in the other half, the warm or hot diseases, patients have warm or hot hands and, in most cases, fever. In reality, there are only about 500 tandems: at the beginning (after the SEE) a cold, conflict-active, sympathicotonic phase and then, a warm, conflict-resolved, vagotonic healing-phase. This scheme of the two phases is a biological natural law.
All diseases known to us follow this course – as long as there is a resolution to the conflict.
When we look back, we see that traditional medical practice has not correctly recognized a single disease. The healing-phase (e.g. “grippe” or flu) in the cold diseases was either overlooked or misdiagnosed as a separate disease, while the first phase in the so-called “warm diseases” was usually overlooked or misdiagnosed as a completely separate disease.
Patients with cold diseases present with cold skin and cold extremities, they are in protracted stress, they lose weight, have difficulty falling asleep and have sleep disorders. For examples we have cancer, MS, angina pectoris, neurodermatitis, diabetes and mental and mood disorders, etc.
The warm diseases, especially those of an exanthematous nature, were defined as rheumatic, infectious, allergic, etc.
We now have to conclude that this was not correct. These cold and warm diseases were not individual diseases but actually one of the two phases of one illness. Moreover, the cold phase is always the first and the warm is always the second.
3. The third biological law:
The ontogenetic system of tumours and cancer-equivalent diseases includes the following criteria:
Criterion 1:
Conflicts related at the embryonic-layer level also have embryonic-layer related cerebral relays, in cases of conflict, so-called HHs embryonic-layer related organs which are affected and have embryonic-layer related histological formations.
Criterion 2:
Old-brain directed conflicts (brain-stem directed endoderm and cerebella directed mesoderm) show cell multiplication in the conflict active phase (CA phase) and destruction or caseation of the tumours by the appropriate microbes, if they exist, in the healing phase (pcl phase). Cerebral directed conflicts (mesodermal organs directed by loci in the cerebrum and ectodermal organs directed by the cerebral cortex) show cell decrease in the CA phase (necroses, ulcers) or just impairment or interruption of function in the so-called cancer-equivalent diseases.
Criterion 3:
In reference both to the CA-phase and to the pcl-phase, every illness is a meaningful biological occurrence to be understood in a different way through embryology and behavioural research. This means that all illnesses present a special challenge to solve an unusual, unexpected biological problem.
4. The fourth biological law
There is a correspondence between embryonic-layer related organ groups – without exception in the pcl phase – and embryonically related groups of microbes. Microbes are not the harbingers of the symptoms but rather the optimisers of the healing phase.
The brain directs all microbes. The immune system, traditionally imagined as a sort of army in the body fighting malignant cancerous cells and malignant microbes in a great battle, does not exist in this sense. Following instructions from the brain, the pathogenic microbes become benign apathogenic microbes and retreat into a part of the organism where they are no bother. They can be recalled only in the pcl phase and sent to and reactivated only in the specific organs.
Possessed of our anti-bacteria, hygienic thinking, we have tried to stamp out these part-time workers of our organism. We have pushed TB back, but at the cost of preventing breast and intestinal tumours from being caseated by the little souring rods in the pcl phase, thus precluding the consequent tumour destruction. It has helped surgery and oncology, but is wrong biologically and medically.
The SEE embodies the acute-dramatic conflict shock that caught us on the wrong foot as well as the contents of the conflict that, in turn, determine the location of the HH in the brain and also the location of the cancerous tumour or necrosis in the organ. However, even more can happen in the moment of the SEE: in the moment of the DHS, tracks are laid on which the train of events rolls again and again in the aftermath. The environment or circumstances that existed at the moment of the SEE become like a set of tracks, replaying by association some of the physical elements of the conflict again and again. An allergist professor once put it in a very informal way: “If you suffer a SEE with a biological conflict and a cow happens to be passing, you’ll develop an allergy to cows, but if you’re nibbling on an orange, then you’ll develop an allergy to oranges.”
5. The fifth biological law, the “quintessence”
The Biological Meaning of Each Special Program of Nature
This law can be paraphrased as: each special program of nature (pair of diseases as described above) has a special biological meaning. Disease is not a meaningless “error” of nature or biology but a special program created by nature over millions of years of evolution to allow organisms to override everyday functioning and to deal with particular emergency situations; they are wonderful programs and, if understood correctly, provide the individual and the group with a way to deal with “out of the ordinary” circumstances.
We can become humble once more and understand for the first time that nature is orderly, that every occurrence in nature is meaningful even in the framework of the whole, and that the events we have called “diseases” are not senseless disturbances to be repaired by magicians. We are entitled to call this meaningful interplay of nature, of the whole inhabited cosmos, “divine”.
Before the birth of the major religions, the physician’s profession was always that of a priest.
Profit-oriented commercial medicine took a gruesome and merciless wrong turn, eventually to be put right by our new awareness.
Not understanding disease as a sequential organization of two, usually opposing phases has prevented our recognizing the “meaning” of these special programs and their essential “goodness”.
A few examples: bone cancer is the healing stage of bone necrosis that accompanies many self-devaluation conflicts. During the cell reduction phase (osteolysis), there is bone loss and loss of structural stability. When the conflict is resolved, anemia prevents over-activity, reducing the chances of bone breakage.
In the re-calcification stage, usually misdiagnosed as bone cancer, the persistent anemia, the pains of the periosteum and the leukaemic stage that sets in, all serve to practically immobilize the body until the healing is complete and comes to a stop (without treatment, so-called bone cancer stops naturally with the complete re-growth and a bone stronger than before!). It is thus that the post-conflict resolution stage gives the organism a much improved chance for survival, while the pre-resolution stage weakens the organism and improves the chances of the group or the pack: Nature takes “loss of self worth” conflicts very seriously!
Another example:
In a territorial-loss conflict, the intima ulcerate (the innermost layer of the vessels supplying the heart). This allows the individual a greater vessel lumen, meaning that the heart can pump more blood to the body. This process goes on during the conflict active phase. The healing phase, as all other healing in biology, is mediated by oedema. In cases of resolution from a territorial conflict, there is a high risk of heart infarction if the conflict has lasted more than six to eight months. Nature has provided for conflict constellations, where the mass of one conflict is kept in check by the presence of a conflict located on the opposite brain hemisphere.
Crazy wolves in the animal kingdom or schizophrenics in the human context tend to be survivors against impossible odds. Nature protects them by using mechanisms that can also kill. The role of the therapist is to help healing processes along by understanding them correctly in the first place.
The model we have outlined above is empirical and testable at every step: three levels where events run their course synchronously and two phases of disease (as long as there is resolution of the conflict). In addition, there is a phase of normalcy before the sympathicotonia, and a phase of return scars remaining at the psychic, cerebral and organic level, be distinguished from the previous, “virginal” normal phase.
We therefore have not only the four phase cut-offs on the three levels in question, but also three marking points (the SEE, CL and the epileptoid crisis) on the said three levels, giving us 21 criteria which can be tested in the five biological laws.
Since the five biological laws altogether contain at least six criteria – the histological,
cerebral-topographic, organ-topographic, conflict-contents and microbial – we are able to
investigate the three levels in detail, giving us 126 testable and reproducible facts for one
single case!
The single most important rule in the calculations is that the localization of the HH in the brain is predetermined. This means that the relay – one of many hundreds of possible relays – is already established. For this relay, in case of a disease, the HH must have the precise appearance corresponding to the specific phase. The likelihood of finding corroboration for a single case is already astronomically high. All the patients in each of the experiments conducted in Trinova, where tests of the provability of the New Medicine were conducted, had several cancers or paralyses, diabetes or equivalents, and for each disease, all the conditions and criteria had to be fulfilled.
There will have to be radical changes in therapeutic practice and in the way interventions are made. The first thing we realize from this system is that no disease need be fatal. The second is the necessity to identify and deal with the biological conflict-shock that brought about the first currently active SEE. Occasionally, it is necessary to deal with the healing phase and the risks that come with the reversal processes and the infectious stages appropriate to the latter phases.
Biological conflict is thus defined:
Any conflict of man or mammal resulting in a SEE From a merely evolutionary point of view, biological conflicts are identifiable as archaic conflicts, analogous, in principle, for man and mammal. Animals experience most of these conflicts in real, physical terms, while man often does so in a transposed sense. An animal genuinely finds a morsel that it cannot swallow, a real chunk of food. For a person, this may be a valuable coin or a lottery ticket.
All relays in the brain stem refer to conflicts regarding grabbing a morsel, getting the morsel, swallowing it, digesting it, being able to separate it from the surrounding dirt, etc.
As an example, cancer of the collecting tubules of the kidneys is warning the organism against drying out – in cases of “refugee” conflicts, specifically “existence or isolation” conflicts – the urine becomes highly concentrated.
The model is revolutionary and is taking its place in history even now as a huge wave of
expectation sweeps the healing profession. Meta-Medicine does not cure anything, but the least it does is to put the cause back to where it belongs, to each and every one of our lives; the things, the people, the events which occur and move us in different ways.
And when we begin to realise that it is the events which cause our bodies to react we have a much more pragmatic, adult approach to the conflict resolution or healing phase than ever before.
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© Terry Elston 2005-6