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This blog simply will show you our NLP ebooks that we have in the NLP World shop.

I’ve written them and they are published NLP books; hard copies at Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk, yet for those of you who simply want to get an NLP ebook now for your kindle or iPad, or just for your PC or laptop, here they are:

Here are a few quotes from people who have read the NLP ebooks:

Knowing NLP

“I have read your book and as you asked for feed back I  will tell you  that I put it  down twice in the two days!  I thought it was  a truly compelling read. Having read a number of books on the same topic over the past few years I would recommend   it as  one which clarifies the important messages and learnings in such a way as to be able to use them in the modern world immediately.”

Linda Razvi, Hove

“I’d   recommend   Knowing   NLP   to   anyone  looking  for  an  easy -to -understand yet  profound  insight  into  how  NLP  really  works.”

Adam  Sprackling ,  NLP  Trainer  &  Golf  Mind  Coach

The Teachers Guide To NLP:

“NLP should be on the curriculum for teacher training. This is a ‘must have’ book for all teachers. There is invaluable information to help improve your teaching and really useful techniques to get the most out of your students.”

Catherine Sprackling, Head of French, Brighton College Preparatory School.

“Terry has created an NLP book on teaching that takes the reader further than previous books I have read on the subject. This book is a practical human centred and flowing journey through the different facets of being a successful teacher.”

Glen McPheat, Teacher for Special Educational Needs

An excerpt from Inspiration and Motivational Quotes:

“The one who pauses to judge success has already stopped being it”

“Think positively, intelligently and newly, with confidence of your vision, then life becomes richer, more exited and delightfully insecure, more alive with action, richer in experience and success”

“Do not worry about how your ideas will manifest. If you are true to yourself, like children who have been treated well, they will grow up by themselves, leave home and multiply many times over!”

Here’s an excerpt from 365 Ways To Do Your Life’s Work:

Sometimes it works to listen to incredibly loud music that you love. Find time today to listen to loud music with the intention of energising and exhilarating your brain – like having a brainwash and clearing the head from the noise of life!

Love yourself in many journeys of life. Today and into the future, prepare well for any journey you are taking; if it’s via aeroplane, take the snacks you love; if it’s by car, have you recorded great music to listen to. Wherever you go, take care of yourself in a way that you’ll love to receive when you are on the journey.

You can click through to all the above nlp ebooks books here

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NLP Retreat in South Africa

Your Ultimate NLP Retreat: A Transcendent Experience Immersive Learning Environment: Embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene South

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NLP retreat South Africa

The South Africa Retreat NLP Course

The Ultimate Retreat: NLP Practitioner Training with an African Twist Imagine embarking on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene

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