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NLP and it’s effectiveness with relationships

One of our NLP Master Practitioners Jean (Pebbles) Goodrich, has written an article about the effectiveness of NLP inside relationships.

NLP is known as a fantastic tool for collapsing a multitude of issues, including chronic health problems, yet doesn’t get much air time for it’s effectiveness with relationships.

Here’s Jeans article.


“I met the devil & he was wearing Armani”

Whilst on one of those random meetings having a ‘cuppa’ with two of my mates from the battered women’s’ group, we came around to discussing why we each made the choices we did. Lorna always gets the married ones, I get the ‘mothers’ boys’ who keep saying they’ll leave home & don’t, & Lindsey gets the crooks & drunks, or substance abusers. We are occasionally joined by Phil who is a struggling husband. We have met because, of course, the common denominator is that we have all been ‘battered’ spouses, whatever else dysfunctional was in the relationships we inhabited.

We are all at the point of completion of about 2 to 3 years of counselling & therapy & are looking to our next step. We have managed to get past the excuse phase; “it was my entire fault, I made him angry” “he was tired” “he’d had a bad day at work” “I was wearing the wrong lipstick/dress/hairstyle/underwear…….”

The fact remains that it has taken us this long to get to a point where we can be reasonably candid about our various situations & far enough from the pain to achieve a degree of realisation; that we have all made bad choices in partners.

The support has been there, however, limited, to get us to a stage where we need to move on, but the help is sparse, restricted & the waiting lists are long & the prospect of “where do we go from here” hangs heavily upon us.

I’m beginning to sound like a cracked record as I expound on the wonders of Neuro Linguistic Programming as an effective form of treatment for so many things including Abuse Recovery Therapy. If your conscious mind can be stilled for a moment & your unconscious mind is given the intent, what has taken us an average of 3 years, can take about a day using NLP & Hypnosis techniques. The unconscious mind can process information in less than a heart-beat & afterwards, it is difficult to even recall the unpleasantness of incidents, & even if you do have a vague recall, it is equivalent to a mirage in the desert. This is a far less “in the emotion” way of dealing with painful memories instead of pawing over every cruel detail & making it more difficult to distance yourself from it all & move on in life.

A strong structure for interpreting the world we live in using eye patterns, body language & verbal techniques make us a more effective member of society & the human race. This knowledge in turn, makes us better communicators & avoids us either having to use or being caught out by the primeval actions that drive society at a base level.

I rather enjoy having my 5th dimensional specs on & being able to see the world I live in, in its purest form, & not as others would have me believe it is!

Thanks to my early brush with the wonders of NLP, Hypnosis & Time-Based Techniques, I have long since left all my unwanted emotional baggage with relationships behind & have qualified as an NLP Master Practitioner with a particular interest in community projects & support group work.

Contact Jean ‘Pebbles’ Goodrich on

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