WARNING: This is a very “hard” technique. (It’s like a sledge hammer.) If you begin it, you must complete it. When you finish, the client must have a positive future representation of what they will do without the problem. If there is a compulsion and a revulsion you must blow out both.
- Elicit a description of the thing compulsed about
- Elicit a description of something similar, but not compulsed about
Compulsed Non-compulsed
EG: Pistachio Peanuts
Ice cream Yogurt
- Get SubModality differences
- Test the differences for drivers
If you have an SMD which is infinite in extent then do a really fast continuous increase as in Method #1. Otherwise use Method #2.
Method #1
- If Size or any other infinite driver, blow up beyond known universe.
- Initially feeling of compulsion will increase
- At some point it will pop, or blow out
Method #2
- Use ratchet method (like a car jack)
- Crank it like a jack
- They will go over the top
Both techniques use 8-10 to complete.
- Wait till the client settles down — 5 minutes
- Test by having them make a picture, no compulsion
- Swish old picture with new picture.