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Milton Model

milton erickson creator of the milton model

Language Patterns of Milton H. Erickson

In NLPMilton Model is designed to produce trance or agreement. It is a series of abstract language patterns, which are ambiguous so the client takes there own meaning out of the communication based on there on experience. This can assist in accessing unconscious resources in us that are outside our conscious awareness.

The Milton Model has the opposite intent of the; Which is all about being specific and gaining an in depth understanding consciously.

More on the Milton Model & the language patterns of Milton Erickson

There are reports that John Grinder and Richard Bandler worked with Milton Erickson in 1974 when he was widely regarded as the foremost practitioner of hypnotherapy. He was the founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis and traveled extensively giving seminars and lectures as well as working in private practice. He had a worldwide reputation as a sensitive and successful therapist and was famous for his acute observation of non-verbal behaviour.

Erickson used language in artfully vague ways so that his clients could take the meaning that was most appropriate for them. He induced and utilized trance states, enabling individuals to overcome problems and discover their resources. After studying the techniques of Milton Erickson, John and Richard wrote up the Milton Model in The Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, I & II.

Erickson’s work was based on a number of ideas shared by many successful therapists. He respected the client’s unconscious mind. He assumed there was a positive intention behind even the most bizarre behaviour, and that individuals make the best choices available to them at the time. He worked to give them more choices. He also assumed that at some level, individuals already have all the resources they need to make changes.

Milton Erickson was masterful at gaining rapport. He respected and accepted his client’s reality. He assumed that resistance was due to lack of rapport. To him, all responses were valid and could be used. To Erickson, there were no resistant clients, only inflexible therapists.

So the Milton Model is a way of constructing sentences that are artfully vague and deliberately ambiguous. The client must fill in the details and actively search for the meaning of what they hear from their own experience. In other words, the practitioner provides the context with as little content as possible. You give them the frame and leave them to choose the picture to put in it. When the client provides the content, this ensures they make the most relevant and immediate meaning from what you say.

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