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Parts Integration

NLP Parts Integration Example

Parts Integration NLP is a technique which allows us to integrate parts at the unconscious level by assisting each one to traverse logical levels by chunking up and to go beyond boundaries parts have created to find a higher level of intention and wholeness.

If you think of an orchestra, each part relates to the whole: if one of those parts decides not to play ball with the whole you would have a problem if you were the conductor or the audience!

Here is a short nlp parts integration video outlining what a part is and how they work.

NLP Parts Integration: Live Demonstration

The conflict between making choices and staying with what you have in career is usually a common and tough one.

In this portion of an hour long video, Terry Elston works with Dr. Claire Marshall to integrate the two conflicting parts in this scenario.

Specific Steps for Helping A Person To 'Integrate' Conflicting Parts

  1. Identify the conflicting parts your partner has. Common types of conflicts include logic vs. emotion, rational vs. intuitive, childhood beliefs vs. adult beliefs, past vs. future, etc.
  2. Calibrate the physiology of each of the parts in conflict (pay particular attention to asymmetries of movements and gestures).
  3. Represent the parts in all sensory systems. For example, you can say, “Put the part of you that believes X in one hand (choose the hand that your partner used when expressing that belief). What image, voice and feelings do you have associated with that part of you?” If one of these has been missing have the explorer add it in. Put the other part in the other hand and do the same thing.
  4. Have your partner associate into the perceptual position of each part and ask each part to look at the other and describe what it sees. At this stage the different parts will typically dislike and distrust the other.
  5. Find the positive intention and purpose of each part. Make sure that each part recognizes and accepts the positive intent of the other.
  6. Make sure that each part realizes that their conflict is directly interfering with the achievement of their own purposes.
  7. Have the explorer associate into each part and look at the other again, and this time describe the resources that the other has that would be helpful to its own positive intention.
  8. Secure a congruent agreement from the parts to combine their resources so they can more fully accomplish their own purpose. Usually the reason that they will have mistrusted or disliked each other previously is precisely because the other has not had these resources and has thus seemed foreign and out of control.
  9. Ask your partner to bring his or her hands together at the same time that he or she creates a new representation of himself or herself in all sensory systems that fully integrates the resources of both parts. (Calibrate to an integration/symmetry of the two physiologies that accompanied the separate parts.)

Remind your partner that an integration is not a compromise or a contract. If you are successful there will no longer be two separate parts but rather one whole person.

The “visual squash” technique described above is not always the only method of integration although it is the most common and is very effective. Sometimes, for instance, the explorer may want to expand a new image out from meta position to incorporate the conflicting parts.

Sometimes a conflict may involve more than two parts. In such a case you may either expand this technique to include all three or do the integrations two at a time.

Integration of Conflicting Parts draws operationally from a combination of the NLP techniques of ‘Visual Squash’ and ‘Reframing’. Conceptually, it is based on the work of Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir.

NLP Parts Integration Steps

  1. Identify the conflict and the parts involved: Make sure you identify the parts clearly, and understand the nature of the conflict.
  2. Have the Part, which represents the unwanted state or behaviour come out on the hand first: “I wonder if I can talk to this part. Which hand would it like to come out and stand on?” (Show client how to hold hand.)
  3. Make sure that the Client has a V-A-K image of the part as it comes out on the hand: “Who does this part look like; does it look/sound/feel like someone you know?”
  4. Elicit the “Opposite Number” to come out on the other hand: “I’d like to talk to the Part with which this Part is most in conflict, the flip side of the coin the opposite number, and let’s have it come out and stand on the other hand.” (Show client how to hold hand.)
  5. Make sure that the Client has a V-A-K image of the part as it comes out on the hand: “Who does this part look like; does it look/sound/feel like someone you know?”
  6. Separate intention from behaviour: Reframe each part so that they realise that they actually have the same intention by chunking up — ask, “What is the intention…” or “For what purpose…” (Begin chunking up first with the part that has the unwanted state or behaviour. As you do, make sure that the client’s intention stays associated.)
  7. Now, have the parts notice they were once part of a larger whole.
  8. Ask for other parts that were also once part of the larger whole. Have them join in the integration.
  9. What resources or attributes does each part have that the other part would like to have?
  10. As the hands come together give additional suggestions for integration.
  11. Take the integrated part inside and have it merge into the wholeness inside.
  12. Test & future pace.

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