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One of the new buzzwords around at present in change work is mindfulness.

Mindfulness is derived from the ability to be in the present – (Mindfulness also seen as awareness) is a spiritual or psychological faculty  that is considered to be of great importance in the path to accomplishment  of the inner control. “Correct” or “right” mindfulness is the seventh element of the noble eightfold path. The word ‘Mindfulness’ or Mindfulness meditation can also be traced back to the earlier Upanishads, part of Hindu scripture.

Yet this concept is not just associated to Eastern philosophy.

If we look at that through 21st century eyes and ears, it’s your ability to be in the present tense and rise above our animal reactive conditioning.

If you’ve been on one of our trainings, whether corporate or public, you’ll have noticed that we put a lot of emphasis on The Now State (or we call it The Hakalau or Peripheral Vision). This technique alone will put you into a state that is referred to as mindfulness.

Here’s where it gets interesting though. You can’t ‘just’ plop yourself into mindfulness (as a concept without any prior training) and expect to elevate yourself beyond your reactions. It has been researched and proven that the subconscious mind has already reacted at a time before the conscious mind is aware, so chances of changing complex reactions that have inbuilt triggers is almost nil!

The research noted above comes from Benjamin Libet. (Benjamin Libet) that the subconscious mind has an influence that precedes the conscious decisions that we think are the presiders in our corporate lives.

Therefore when you have been trained in The Now State, you have the ability to ‘trip’ the unconscious conditioning and be effective where you normally would be reactive or at best coping.

Consider that all your results come from your capabilities, coupled with your skill to stay present (connected) with your audience (also read partners, colleagues, Doctors, receptionists). This skill set is your lifeline to another’s sense that you are really ‘there’.

Remember this: There is no future as it has not yet arrived; there is no past as it is gone – so being in the present gives you a chance to really ‘see’ situations and be effective (as you can be). The word behave, comes from be-have. Showing you that being is equated to having.

If you’d like to take the essence of the above paragraph a little further it looks like this: Life comes towards you in the guise of the future and creates a wave: Yet it is really the past as you  can only see life through past experiences. So both the past and future are illusion. We have to parade this illusion as that’s what we have to work with.

Being in the present enables us to really see the illusions and work with what we want in life. When you can ‘see’ like this – life then transforms itself.

The triad of change that occurs through mindfulness:

1. Life becomes less ‘important’. In other words, you can be competitive, yet you’ll see your opponent as assisting you, rather than someone you have to ‘defeat’.
2. The illusion of life’s past and future gets ‘busted’ so you can start to work on what you consider meaningful
3. You won’t blame the mirror when you don’t like what you see in it (you can be mindful enough to see your own patterns and work on them)


Here is the video that will remind you of the process of being in the present tense or mindful. (Skip the first one of theory if you have been trained already.)




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The Ultimate Retreat: NLP Practitioner Training with an African Twist Imagine embarking on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene

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