On 1st February 2013 three of our NLP Practitioners decided to take on a huge mental and physical adventure and challenge – to swim in the Atlantic ocean in the depths of winter!
When I first heard of the plan, I quietly listened and held the request as a nice thought which may or may not be acted upon. Yet when Friday lunchtime came, three bold adventurers came to the front and our NLP practitioners were off down to the beach in freezing temperatures.
Asa Brita Simonsson lead the way, delivering a stirring speech in the training room, before setting off to unknown experiences. She told the participants that they didn’t have to swim, and they could see what would happen when they got there. That was a lovely piece of language as it took away the pressure and gave back choice and responsibility. She also performed some excellent nlp reframing of how the water can be perceived differently than everyday habits of ‘cold’ and connecting.
The ‘great NLP swim’ was called The ‘Prana’ Swim by Brita as they would use the energy of air and water to keep them warm and go with the flow rather than resist the habit of ‘cold’.
Brita also taught us how to eat a stone after the swim, a truly trusting process!
If you’d like to see The Great NLP Swim with our NLP Practitioners, it’ll be up on YouTube at some point.