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Hakalau (Short MP3)

Hakalau (Short MP3)

This Hakalau comes from Hawaii, and is an incredible process to place yourself in a state where there are no negative emotions and you have complete awareness.

We have taught this to sportsmen where their results increased incredibly just from using this technique alone. (20 mins)



Adam, one of our Trainers, used to play a lot of golf. One day he saw a guy, who normally plays off scratch (level par), playing quite badly with his pitching and putting.

Adam had a chat with him and the guy confirmed that his short game had been off for a while now and his game had slipped.

Adam showed him the process of Hakalau in about 5/6 minutes and how to use it in conjunction with his short game.

The golfer’s short game suddenly improved back to the point it had been in the past!

We teach kids in schools the process and see their results move upwards to the amazement of the teachers. Their ability to concentrate, take information in and recall the information improves incredibly.

We teach this to martial arts teachers and students so they can perform perfectly with true form and without negative emotions blocking their skill.

One of our students is a Master Practitioner of NLP and uses Hakalau when he trains as it gives him more flexibility and allows his information to flow naturally as he delivers material.

In the Hakalau (or learning state) there is only pure awareness, there’s no room for negative emotions or distractions. That means that whatever you are doing, you begin to do it 100%.

Whether you are studying, giving a presentation, performing in any way or even driving a car, you now have the possibility of doing that task perfectly with no interruption from your normal semi or completely distracted mind.

The Hakalau is one of the most powerful and easy to use techniques I have ever used; get into it now and see for yourself!

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Seven-day full money-back guarantee if the media is faulty (and can’t be fixed) or you can’t access the product for some reason.

If you find that it fails to deliver in any way, we will firstly help to resolve any issues you may be experiencing and, if that can’t be done, we will give you your money back!

Please Email me, Terry Elston, at  for any more information you need before purchasing.

Streaming & Downloads

Remember that all of the videos can either be streamed or DOWNLOADED onto your own PC or Mac, therefore you can still access our high quality content, even if you have a poor internet connection. 

We recommend you look at the trailers we have first to make sure you can play videos and look at the images. 

Downloadable media content will be provided in a Zip file. Please ensure you have a Zip utility program, which is able to extract the content, and a media player for viewing the videos offline.

Cancellation Fees

You can defer your course if the dates somehow do not fit as it come closer – but, if you wish to cancel a booking before the start – or the failure of conditions above, the following cancellation fees will be charged:

NLP Four or Seven Day Practitioner – £300
NLP Master Practitioner (whole or per module) – £300
NLP Trainers – £450 
Lost Certificate Replacement – £20 

If you have started the course and have to cancel, you can join another course at a later date with only an admin charge for room hire and teas/coffees. If you can not do that, you forfeit your full course fees.

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