In life, there are many ways to get what you want. And you will get them, Yet what can make the difference to when you get them, is whether you have invested in your own personal coaching or not.
What is it like to have personal life coaching with Terry Elston?
Every great leader had such a great leader as a mentor or coach. A good coach gets you to where you want to go, at the speed you ask for.
You should feel empowered and creative – like you have a magical ‘friend’ who can assist you to find the powers you have within.
“I negotiated my new environment with my new job proposal and he gave me everything I asked for – every thing 🙂 And my TV show that I have been working on for months is about to be signed up to a TV chanel!!!
Feel so free. honest. enthused. alive and calm. Thank you Terry”.
Robynne Kahn – Full-on Fashion activist & Founder
“… felt like the first time in my life ever received the sense that I am acceptable as I am. I had no idea I’d be so taken by suprise as to how that felt and that it would return again and again as soul food,creating motivation more powerful than any goal i can think of. It is possibly the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me, at least that I can remember. THANK YOU!!” Gemma Kauffma – artist and artistic project manager
How does a session work?
Firstly look at this as a part of nature: If we were going to lay out a new landscaped garden, firstly we’d look at the lay of the land as it is now. Then we’d have a look at what you’d like in that brand new garden. We’d then evaluate what needs to be taken out that isn’t helping (rocks, weeds, rusty barbed wire – read old memories and stuff)!
Once that garden had been cleared and soil made fertile, we’d look at aligning you to your life’s purpose and dropping those seeds into the soil (or simply re-empowering the seeds that had been overlooked or forgotten).
Then I will show you techniques to keep this garden watered and looked after.
If this is something you’d like to explore email me at
“Just wanted to say thanks soo muchh for the hard work and everything in the session! It was truly amazing and real great! Hope things are well and immaa cyaa soon! Many thanks”. Ify Iwobi (after releasing three phobias and old disempowering memories in just one and a half hours).
How much does it cost?
Personal coaching with Terry Elston costs £300 per session (up to two hours) via skype or £400 per session for face to face sessions.
You can also book him for £4500 for a period of six months up to 24 sessions!!
For business coaching, the cost is £3000 (+VAT) for four sessions on “how to make your business life work with your purpose in life“.
Book here to save a place (money back if place cannot be found for you).
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Contact Terry at