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The Online NLP Practitioner Course Experience

The Online NLP experience with NLP World is a world of difference. Some organisations like to trick you into thinking NLP is a skill set and then market that idea. NLP is not a set of skills, it’s an experience that needs to be embodied at the subconscious level (hard wired).

The Online NLP experience gives and takes you on a journey – not just with powerpoint walkthroughs, but with live clients dealing with real time challenges, caught on camera.

Terry Elston is the trainer on your NLP online course. He not only shows you NLP but how NLP works, the real understanding of it. He has written four books on the subject of NLP and has delivered NLP training to thousands of delegates over the last twenty three years. 

The Online NLP Practitioner course has five modules, made up of several sub modules. It’s basically the whole curriculum of our Live NLP Practitioner course with an added coaching module. If you want to know the difference between coaching and NLP watch here:

Hopefully that gives you an idea of how NLP is different from coaching, but can be used in conjunction with coaching. NLP is very much a transformational set of principles and a breakthrough from conventional therapy as well. 

The NLP Online course has all the elements of the live training. In fact we give the online program to all our delegates to verse them in NLP so they all have the ability to be on the same page before their live NLP training course.

If you’d like to see an example of our NLP Online program, have a watch here.

We do use powerpoint walkthroughs as well, 

If you like the blog about your NLP Practitioner Online Course experience, please click on the link to find out what’s on the program. 

nlp retreat at night

NLP Retreat in South Africa

Your Ultimate NLP Retreat: A Transcendent Experience Immersive Learning Environment: Embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene South

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NLP retreat South Africa

The South Africa Retreat NLP Course

The Ultimate Retreat: NLP Practitioner Training with an African Twist Imagine embarking on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene

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Next NLP Practitioner retreat course is in South Africa

And Only £1500


(Including accommodation and food. Numbers restricted)

Upcoming Courses

9th Nov – 15th Nov 2024

(Retreat, SA)

Pay for courses in three monthly instalments!

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NLP Training Courses? 

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