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365 Ways to Do Your Life’s Work ebook

365 Ways to Do Your Life’s Work is a series of tips and tricks to keep inspiring you every day of the year.

Here are a few excerpts:

1. Completing things is a part of nature. After the winter, comes the spring: Starting today, complete the thing you know is the most important to do. You will know as it is the one right in front of your nose! Then do the next most important thing and so on, until the day is over.

2. Judgments are usually just old habitual ways of thinking. If you can distance yourself from them, you give yourself more room to have new thoughts and actions. Starting today, make no judgments without first looking at what the obstacle may be doing for you that’s in the way. Take at least one minute to look at each obstacle before judging anything.

3. Changing habits opens up your life to more flexibility and therefore healthy thinking and being: Starting today, switch around all your normal habits: Get out of bed with a different leg, go to a different supermarket; drink tea with a different hand. Change your habits.

4. Creating space in your life is like expanding possibilities. A field can only grow something new if there’s space for it: Starting today, take 5 minutes out to sit and do nothing. Stare at a wall, breath deeply, do nothing.

5. Intention speaks louder than words: Starting today, practice non verbal intention. If possible say nothing. If you have to speak, say the minimum. Use your intention to make things happen, let the words disappear.

6. The flow of life has abundance if you let it be without hankering to the obsession with useless communications: Starting today, don’t phone text back or email just for the sake of it. Be reassured that your friends will still be there if you don’t text back till tomorrow. Let them wait for once. Give yourself a break from saying ‘OK’ via text.

7. The influence of people in your life is incredible, yet knowing how to manage people is an art: Starting today, make a circle on a piece of paper, like a dartboard. Put the people who are your main influence right now in the middle and spend most time and effort around them. Then in concentric circles put people who are not so influential right now further and further out and spend less time concerned with them. They can always come back to the middle at some point.

8. The commitment to yourself is as, or even more important to, others who you commit to: Today, take yourself out on a date. Treat yourself in some way. As if you were your own lover. If you can’t physically do that for any reason, book something for the future and book it today.

9. A good night’s sleep, or the first things you do in the morning are often the most influential. Having a clear mind is important: Starting today, write everything down that is on your mind. Do it first thing this morning and last thing tonight. Empty your whole mind without judging at all what you write.

10. Expression is a great way of having a healthy body and mind: Today, write a letter or send an email to one of your friends, telling them why you love (or like) them so much and the consequences of them being in your life.

Product image for 365 Ways To Do Your Life's Work | NLP World365 Ways is a way of getting into action with a practise for every day. Life transforming:

Have a look here at how to get a copy of your ebook (PDF version):

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