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Buy Deep-Sleep MP3

On this Deep Sleep audio-music track, you’ll experience amazing binaural beats and brain entrainment tracks inlayed to heighten the effect for your body and mind and aid deep sleep. You will feel like you have entered into an internal movie set, with you as the actor and your deeper mind as the watcher and listener.

An excerpt from the recording

…..part of sleeping deeply is letting go of the day today. Being the gardener of your thought field, you can now let the gardener go to rest from his or her days work.
I will show you how to do this, yet I also need your assistance. You must be wiling to let the field rest for the night. Instruct your unconscious gardener to let go of the field for today. Let it go. It’s done and there is nothing else to do.
And now see the gardener go back to their comfortable bed, satisfied that today is done and instruct yourself that the day is done. Feel the gardener rustle up comfortably into the deep comfortable bed.
In a comfortable position, just begin to allow those feeling of comfort, of wellness, to flow through your body. Perhaps you can start with your eyes. There are thousands and thousands of tiny cells on your eyelids and around your eyes.
Just imagine that the muscles in your eyes can relax at a deep cellular level. Any hint or relaxation that you can get now from around your eyes, as your eyelids feel very heavy, allow that relaxation to begin to flow out from that area, down through your cheeks and in through your jaw; the relaxation spreading from your jaw down through your chin and around all facial muscles……

You can find this product by clicking the link here – Deep Sleep MP3

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NLP Retreat in South Africa

Your Ultimate NLP Retreat: A Transcendent Experience Immersive Learning Environment: Embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene South

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The South Africa Retreat NLP Course

The Ultimate Retreat: NLP Practitioner Training with an African Twist Imagine embarking on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene

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