An NLP Embedded Command is a command that is inside a longer sentence marked out by voice, tone or gesture.
Therefore, if I want you to LEARN SOMETHING EASILY, I may say it LOWER AND LOUDER to get it across to someones deeper mind,,,
To be technically correct, you give the whole instruction of what to do, when and how to do it. For instance, “You will feel immediately excited by imagining your greatest success ever, NOW”
NLP Embedded Commands are useful in many contexts. They are particularly effective when leading a meeting or facilitating training. In the business world, NLP Embedded Commands are extremely effective, this is because many organisations are sharing high volumes of information on a daily basis (more than the conscious mind can process).
By using an NLP Embedded Command and changing the sound, the message can be received by the subconscious minds of the audience, therefore being easily remembered in future. They do not always have to be lower and louder, yet do have to be tone that’s very different that the listeners sub-conscious mind picks up there is delineation.
NLP tells us that we are all deleting, distorting and generalising information every minute of the day. Embedded Commands gets past this barrier and they are embedded at a deeper level. Embedded Commands work most effectively with short, concise sentences. if you consider that the normal brain only can process between 7 and 9 pieces of information, what is happening to all the rest during a one or two day seminar? Just because a speaker gives the information, does not equal the listener retaining that information.
Aside from the business context, it’s a powerful tool for coaching, teaching and public speaking.