NLP And Self Development
Is NLP & self development related? It is possible to combine NLP and self-growth?
When i first start out as an NLP Practitioner, my desire was for a career where I could be independent, make money and provide a service that I’d enjoy. Being Independent and enjoying came quite easily, the money did follow a while later.
It may seem a bit odd to think it these days, yet 30 years ago NLP was not very well known. As I was lucky enough to be qualified as an Hypnotherapist as well as NLP, I marketed myself under the banner of hypnotherapy and hypnosis. Of course, when the clients arrived, I was mostly using NLP and just throwing some hypnosis in where needed!
The way I was taught originally was that the skill sets (what NLP is mostly known for) are what makes NLP work. Now I know that isn’t the case at all. We had a lot of scripts and they were paraded like a bible and you had to stick to them – or the fear of dis-communication was imminent!
I finally broke free of those shackles after refusing to pay a lot of money for Time Line Therapy status renewal. I was starting to think for myself by then and had begun to notice that a lot of the techniques seemed to belong to the self-development world and had ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ that looked an awful lot like what was being called Neuro Linguistic Programming.
What I did was to dig deeper into the self-development archives to find the roots of NLP. What I found eventually was like finding ‘The Secret’ or the lost scrolls of Babylon.
Some of the techniques went back thousands of years. What was called Peripheral vision or The Learning State, originally came from Hawaii and was called The Hakalau. That skill set also related strongly to The Present tense – which Eckhart Tolle has made popular recently with his renderings in The Power of Now.
The Hierarchy of Ideas (an NLP skill set), states that there exists a natural ‘ladder’ from specific to abstract that anyone can place themselves upon when they understand the notion of intent. From my research, this is an esoteric idea that has been in existence for many centuries. Within The Druids for instance they have a mantra which reads as such:
Grant, O God, Thy protection
And in protection – Strength
And in Strength – Understanding
And in Understanding – Knowledge
And in Knowledge – The Knowledge of Justice
And in The Knowledge of Justice – The Love of it
And in the Love of it – The Love of all Existences
And in The Love of all Existences – The Love of God and all Existences
The meaning here being that even the simple notion of protection has the highest intent of “The Love of all Existences”
After training NLP for over 14 years, I can point out the deeper connection to all the techniques which are thought of as contemporary.
I’m not saying that they have been taken from their birthplace and transplanted knowingly, just that these primal or rudimentary concepts are part of a larger family called self development and belong firmly in that category.
What is important to every NLP trainer is that they can find these links and be able to use NLP as a window (rather alike how windows on computers access stuff from others place), and are able to teach their students/delegates these deeper meanings simultaneously.
Then we have the true intent of the days together, to self develop ourself to grow and prosper – from the inside out.
I trust you enjoyed this journey into NLP & Self development.