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Quit Smoking MP3

I gave up smoking many years ago and remember exactly how I did it. I have reproduced that process here, yet with an even better chance for you, as it’s with a voice and consciously produced audio to aid your journey.

I only had the written word when I quit smoking. And you can’t read in your sleep (most of us anyhow). Here you can listen daytime or night time as you fall asleep. Your unconscious mind is still awake in Theta and Delta waves when you are in those evening and sleeping hours, so you get benefits of this stopping smoking production in all ways at all times.

I have chosen only excellent ‘flower-picked’ words to get you to where you want to go. I use deep hypnosis techniques to enable you to access your unconscious mind

Here is an excerpt from the recording:

Your intention is an unconscious decision to direct the deepest part of you to perform lots of cigarettes with helping hand outwhatever task you wish. I want YOU at the deepest level to decide it’s time for you to stop. So check in now with the deepest part of you, your intention and decide it is time.

If you would like some assistance with this I will help you.

Think of all the reasons that it is time to stop. Think of the smell that is on your clothes every day, the stink of your hands and your fingers, the impression that you give to others that don’t smoke, the effect that it has had on your life, and is having on your life. How do you feel when it is cold and wet and you have to go outside because others can’t stand you stinking the place out? Think of your lungs, the mess that they are getting in to, the tar inside, the constriction of your veins, the pains that you already have or you might get. Notice how long it has been since you wanted to give up smoking and you are still smoking.

If at this point you believe you cannot stop just yet then I will give you a chance to prepare yourself even more. For the next two weeks write down every cigarette you have, what time it was, what was in your mind or your senses just before taking the cigarette, and write down every single one.
After two weeks of doing this come back to this recording and start again…..

Quit smoking – you know you want to!

Click here to get access to the track

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