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The Quantum Bridge

The Quantum Bridge is an invitation to take the basis of language, understanding and learning to a new level. A level beyond words. The experience is always far more profound than can be described in a short blog, yet you can use these coming words as a hint of the ladder that is provided inside the training. When you have the experience, you can let the ladder go. Wittgenstein says it beautifully here:

“My propositions serve as elucidations in the following sense: anyone who understands me eventually recognizes them as nonsensical, when he has used them – as steps – to climb up beyond them. (He must, so to speak, throw away the ladder after he has climbed up it.) He must transcend these propositions, and then he will see the world aright”.


Wittgenstein uses very correct English, yet what he is saying is that when you understand Quantum Linguistics, you understand the world and you understand the models or vehicles to take you and your clients into the experiences you want to direct them too. Yet the vehicles (Quantum Linguistics and the art of storytelling) are not the destination, they are the mediators. The ladder.

What will I get from this workshop?

  • Advanced Language Consciousness (The Quantum Field)

  • Coaching Skills Through Values (Cellular Motivational Links)

  • Magical Story Telling Skills (Metaphors in action)


    Quantum Linguistics

    Additional information on our NLP Practitioner Training Course | NLP WorldYou will get a clear understanding of what makes words change minds. You will have the opportunity to go beyond words into the “Quantum Soup” or “The Middle of No-Where” as Milton Erickson would say. You will have the potential to have the gift of using language in a conscious way; knowing the effect you are having and the art of using words as a knife to cut away dead wood, or the creator in language to build new bridges. You will also get deeper into the properties of storytelling in a way that deeply moves your clients or audience (I.E. in presentations).


    five eggs all different colours and patternsYou will also get into the practise of eliciting values from clients. This is quite a common theme in popular coaching, yet you will go a step further and be able to blow out the debris on old memories. This enables yourself and your clients to be attracted and motivated by their values, rather than always heading towards what they don’t want (don’t think of a red tree in an orange field). We call these “away froms”. They are what the majority of people do in their minds when making goals (mostly underlying subconscious patterns). You will notice clients that have results that peak and then crash, again and again. When you artfully take out these mini traumas surrounding their memories of money, love, trust and career, they suddenly get inspired from an attractive place again (or for the first time).

    The package is an unique self-development set of practises that you can enjoy for yourself and your own movement – and then have ways of delivering those practises into the context you work with others in.

    You can use this module as a Master Practitioner accreditation token worth 300 points (you need 600 for a Masters certification).

    When is the next workshop?

    The next available dates are September 19th to September 22nd 2015. It will be at The Mercure Hotel in Brighton.

    How much is this workshop?

    The price is £675 as an earlybird through July, increasing £75 per month until we take off in September. The deposit is just £200.

    If you’re now ready to book your place on your Quantum Bridge Training Course, you can click on the “Add to Cart” button below to start the registration process.

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    Price: £[wp_eStore_product_details id=135 info=”price”]
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    That deposit is £200 with £475 payable by September 19th.

    If you have taken the NLP four day course with me, you can now get your ANLP status by completing the hours for this course way as well as AIP accreditation and certification.

    Let me know if you are intending to book, so I can inform you of status to get the lower price. See you soon.

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