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Certified Online NLP Course

Is there such a thing as a “Certified Online NLP Course?”

Of course there isn’t! People who claim such things are simply trying to get your money from you and sell their NLP online courses to you. To get any certified online NLP course accredited, you’d have to be recognised by one of the major NLP bodies in the world.

Who are the main certified NLP accreditation organisations?

For the UK it’s ANLP and Inlpta (to a degree although this is mostly a database with ethics that INLPTA have designed). For the US it’s AIP, The Society of NLP, and ABNLP. None of these NLP companies recognise or certify Online NLP Trainings.

Click here to find the NLP certification bodies in the UK and US.

If there are no certified nlp online trainings, then why have them?

nlp online trainingThe true purpose of an online NLP course, is to give people the knowledge of NLP before taking a live training. Or for other professionals who may already have plenty of good counselling or transformational abilities and want to add some of the thinking of NLP to their toolbox. Or even for the enthusiast, who loves the idea of NLP and wants to broaden their perspectives.

But it is not the actual training to be practised without prior knowledge.


Why do you need a live training to get certified in NLP?

NLP is such a people orientated practise, that, to get it properly, you’d need live tuition and face to face experience with clients to bring it alive in the moment. There are a number of core skills you can’t learn from a book, or even online. Have a look here at all the core skills you need.

What can I get from an NLP online training course?

You can get the whole curriculum of NLP, plus values (coaching skills) in a unique package that is taught in an NLP style. You can get a diploma in NLP, or a certificate of completion. These are all ok and some kind of recognition of your efforts. That’s as long as the course has a feedback mechanism and tutors to guide you through the process.

The issue is when some companies promise you an “Certified Online NLP Course” or “100% accredited, NLP Practitioner certification” when they have no right to, or are pretending that any large organisation endorses it.

NLP DiplomaNLP World supplies an Online course and a diploma which is accredited via The Coaching Society and our live training when coupled with the NLP online training, allows the title of “NLP Coach” as well as “NLP Practitioner”. I make no claims that our online NLP courses are accredited by major organisations or that it has a value other then the knowledge that goes behind all of the NLP techniques. The application of NLP, under face to face tutorial is where it comes to life.

I trust that helps and if you have any questions please contact me at

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NLP Retreat in South Africa

Your Ultimate NLP Retreat: A Transcendent Experience Immersive Learning Environment: Embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene South

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The South Africa Retreat NLP Course

The Ultimate Retreat: NLP Practitioner Training with an African Twist Imagine embarking on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene

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