The new Clinical Hypnotherapy accreditation course will take place in June 2015.
This exciting three day course is fully accredited and you will leave with the title of “Clinical Hypnotherapist”. Obviously this title will bring you far more kudos (and therefore clients) into the future. It will also enable you to work with a much larger range of people than before.
You can use these three days for points towards an NLP Master Practitioner certification if you do not have that already. This module counts for 150 points. You need 600 for Masters.
What’s covered over the three days?
Revision of your basic hypnosis training, then:
– Pain Control
– Allergy Model
– Phobia Model
– Panic Attacks
– Sleep Issues
– Hypno-Birth
– Depression
– Stop Smoking
– Weight Loss
– Stage Hypnosis
You already know if you want to take part in the training, so the question you may be asking is when and where?
It will be at The Mercure Hotel, Kings Road, Brighton. Saturday June 6th – Monday June 8th.
Join now.
I’m giving a discount for early bird booking as I’m expecting a full house and want the most willing and hungry to be rewarded first. The booking is limited to 20 people, so please get in quickly. I can not make the course for more than 20 and give you all the attention you deserve. There will be excellent assistants here as well.
Therefore it’s only £575 for the three days, including certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy from AIP. That’s earlybird for the first ten people: After that, it’s £725, which is more in line with what other organisations are charging.
If you’re now ready to book your place on our Accredited Clinical Hypnotherapy Training Course, you can click on the “Add to Cart” button below to start the registration process.
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Price: £[wp_eStore_product_details id=134 info=”price”]
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That deposit is £200 with £300 payable by June 6th. The £75 left is for accreditation for those who choose it.
If you have taken the NLP four day course with me, you can now get your ANLP status by completing the hours for this course way as well as AIP accreditation and certification.
Let me know if you are intending to book, so I can inform you of status to get the lower price. See you soon.
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To have a look at hypnosis in general, have a look here.
For a view from Wikipedia have a look here: