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Should NLP be regulated?

Should NLP be regulated?

Since my training in NLP back in 1996, the discussion has been flowing around NLP and regulation. Discussion is always good to get understanding and all comments have their validity. And, of course, some factions have an interest in getting NLP regulated for their own personal reasons and not just for the betterment of this art and science.

There is one point of clarity that I’s like to inject at this juncture – NLP was not evolved from experimenting with clients as some like to make an issue of – it was evolved from learning whilst practising.

In other words from being flexible, to learn whilst working with your clients. Where the medical profession went wrong whilst trying to make everybody ‘conform’ to one model of working, was to take out of practise the doctors own ability to find something out whilst working and therefore keep evolving the practise.

We run the risk of stagnating an industry that has been built on the presuppositions of NLP, including “The Law of Requisite Variety” and the notion that “People have all the resources to succeed” with a set of rules that do not allow the practitioner to learn and write some new rules for themselves – and therefore the rest of the industry.

three people coachingI think what disturbs established and regulated industries is the claims that some people within NLP make. When we first get certified, we tend to think that our practise is a cure for all things. And those who have treated clients with such ailments as Narcissistic PD, Borderline PD, and psychosis will know those are not a wham bam thank you ma’am routine. I would throw in Bulimia and Anorexia as well.

What safeguards does a practitioner have?

Working with certain clients you may need more training and definitely background on what people are doing internally to get a better map of those worlds. As I have worked with such clients and have had success, we should just be pointing out the pitfalls and to get every safeguard in place before working with them. Such as the doctors consent and the clients agreement that NLP in not a medical profession and each practitioner may have not have specialised training to deal with the ailments.

Market forces have determined that NLP works, so it is beyond established and valuable in my world. To keep it there, we need people to keep safeguard – yet not to guard the safe, as the combination should be there to experiment with, be flexible with for all those who come after us.

For more information on the regulation bodies within NLP click here

You can also have a look at what wikipedia says here (although it’s a quite narrow viewpoint with only one proved case study being mentioned)

Should NLP be regulated?

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