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The Art of Completion

The time of year gives us some recognition of our own human processes of life. At this time, in the West, it’s the Winter Solstice. Even if you look at the path of the sun each day, it rises in the east and sets in the west. Hence the notion of completion, the end.

Yet, as most stories go, there isn’t really an end. There is often a sequel or a new beginning. Therefore, the sun rises again.

If we wanted to look at that through allegory, Jesus (in the story) was born around about this time – It is the time of the shortest day. After this day (in the west) the sun starts to rise again. It is ‘born’. The new sun (son).
Therefore in one day, the whole of life’s journey has been born, goes through an experience, then ‘dies’.

To be reborn. And part of that journey is night. We go to bed in a room (see also the closeness to the word Tomb or even Womb), have another kind of experience and get reborn the next day.

The art of completion is to see the appropriate journey for the day, decide what it is – and then complete that journey, however you do that. If you started a project, even cooking a meal, what is the appropriate completion of that?

Think of part of your life like a kitchen, a place where you make new foods for sustenance, an important place to give yourself what you need for a day. What about the washing up? Try NOT washing up for a few days; do you feel like going into the kitchen to be creative?

Everyone likes eating or HAVING, and many like DOING, for instance cooking or assisting, yet when it comes to COMPLETING, how many rush out to volunteer to clean and wash up? But without this important aspect of life, how can you take the next step? You can try and avoid it, but deep down you know the washing up is there and waiting!

Your business and ways of being abundant will become apparent by COMPLETING the tasks that are already in front of your nose. As you are tying up all your projects, letters, conversations, the next thing to do will show itself without you having to push, pull or effort over

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People often ask, or come to me with the statement “I don’t know what my life’s purpose is”. And I find it hard to answer that. Because your life’s purpose is the thing you are doing right now. Even if you hate it! The paradox is – you have to complete what you don’t like to get into the stuff you feel is more motivating. But the stuff you don’t like IS part of your purpose.

The idea would be to complete your past to be able to come into the present. Most people are living their lives in the past or future. The original idea of a present was the Present Tense. In the present is the gift, the real one.

The ones we give at this time of the year are the illusion, albeit quite nice illusions!

Truthfully we would say, I have completed this year (or cycle, or day, or project) and I am now present. Then the champagne corks will fly. Or at least spring can occur and Jesus (you can also read Je Suis, I am) can be reborn.

You can also read the article How Do Seasons Effect Business?

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