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Hypnotherapy And Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy and weight loss are phrases that have had a long relationship over the last twenty years.

A constant barrage by the media constantly propagates the belief that people who weigh less are happier and possess a more positive outlook in life. However, if we look a little deeper than skin, perhaps we can find slightly negative motivation for these slim bodies in the first place.

I we want to get into the whole idea of reality, remember that most of what we consider to be true, is simply agreed upon philosophies.

In older times, for instance, having a ‘plump’ body was consider favourable – even showing abundance!

So our ideas about weight are usually imposed from the outside, not from the individual themselves. Knowing this, you have to first decide what is the figure for you – independent of what you feel others may think.

Some of those size 8 and 10 figures have only been sculpted as a defence, so you can’t take those as valuable statements. So find the right figure for you is the first step. Then it’s all about the food you feel most comfortable with that will supply you with sustenance and vitality over a long period.

Do cabbage diets work?

These cabbage diets and having to restrain from eating have an elastic band effect. You’ve all done it – you know they work, but you also know that at some point that elastic band (no, not gastric band), gets pulled to it’s breaking point, then BLAM! you head for the fridge and it’s back again to where you were (and sometimes further), with less confidence for next time.

This see-saw process is really good for people writing books on weight loss, making diet books the best sellers of all time – because they don’t work over a long period and you have to find the next one.

That’s  why you need to find firstly the diet that you think will be good for a year or so – or even for six months, then be able to review consistently.

Your hypnotherapist should be working alongside these plans to help you instal new habits and projects that you choose for your size success.

In the first few sessions, you can be clearing up the past – looking to get some reality about where you are and where you can be. Clearing up the ‘garden’ of your past or if you like ‘spring cleaning’, is an essential part of making sure the foundations you are working with make the house you’ll be living in for a while to come.

Once you have done that, your hypnotherapist (or hypnotist) can start to work with your inner game with no weeds or clutter internally. Whilst there is no resistance to the new plan, the hypnosis will start to powerfully engage your motivation and embed the ideas that you want and wish for.

At NLP World, we have some products for weight loss with weight loss with hypnotherapy as an MP3 product, yet I’d always encourage you to get with a live hypnotherapist to maximise your intentions.




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