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NLP and Leadership

NLP and Leadership

NLP and Leadership go hand in hand. Leaders wear many hats and NLP provides a powerful toolkit to excel in all aspects of your leadership role. This includes your level of communication, influence and performance management. Organisations invest heavily in leadership development because when leaders perform well, it has a domino effect on the rest of the business. We have an article on NLP and leadership development on our website here.

Leaders are the ambassadors. They fly the flag and champion the best behaviours that people across the business can aspire to. This has profound impact on employee engagement and business results. I have managed people for approximately 14 years. My best years have undoubtedly been after I qualified as a Master Practitioner of NLP. Prior to attending my course, I had no idea what NLP was or how it could help, therefore I have a keen interest in sharing NLP knowledge that will help other leaders transform their businesses.

What are the benefits of NLP in Leadership?

Develop unrivalled communication within your business: According to Richard Branson, communication is the most important skill any leader can possess. This is explained more in an article from Forbes here. As we all know, getting communication right reduces errors, saves time and therefore money. When you learn about NLP, you’ll learn tools to adapt your communication to a wide range of audiences to ensure that more of what you say is received in the way you intend it. You’ll be able to fluently use language that impacts and influences people at the deepest possible level. You can get a greater insight into NLP throughout our article here.

Improve motivation and morale

An article from the Management Study Guide states

Remember, To become an efficient leader, you must be self-motivated. You must know your identity, your needs and you must have a strong urge to do anything to achieve your goals. Once you are self-motivated, only then you can motivate others to achieve their goals and to harmonize their personal goals with the common goals of the organization.

You can access the full article on their website here. Within the paragraph quoted above there are many overlaps with NLP. NLP helps leaders become the best versions of themselves by working on their values, beliefs and in some cases identity. It is our deeper values that drive us and therefore the key to your own motivation and the ability to motivate others, can be found in NLP Values. Once your values are in alignment with your goals, this shines out across the organisation enlightening and inspiring people. You can read more on NLP Values in our article here.

Elevate sales results within your business

Many Leaders are on the look-out for ways to improve sales motivation. Although there are many solutions you can pay for to address motivation in your team, we recognise that if you’re reading articles, you’re keen to empower yourself with tips you can apply independently. There is a useful article on how to build sales motivation at no cost here.
One of the most popular uses of NLP is within the sales arena. This is because a successful customer relationship is determined by the the quality of the communication.

First and foremost, it’s NLP rapport that opens the door to a successful sales outcome. You can find out more about how this works here. The other key ingredients your sales team require include: Exceptional ways to use language to enhance connection and ignite optimum interest. A proven and easily applied strategy. The NLP Six Step Sales Strategy is designed to easily lead you to a successful completion of the sales process. Learn the process and share it with your team for only £9.99 by purchasing our MP3 set here.

Unshakeable self-belief: Throughout our NLP Courses, we always train delegates in how to find and change limiting beliefs. No matter how many skills your sales team have, they are only as good as the beliefs that underpin them. You can observe an NLP belief change in our video here. As a Leader, you’ll always be searching for new ways to drive results and improve your team performance. The above examples are only a snapshot of what can be shared with your sales team.Organisations that have called us in to deliver NLP Sales Programmes have seen an immediate and significant impact.
You can review who we have worked with here.

Win the war for talent

The approach to the war for talent is changing. In the current market, if you want the best talent it’s about knowing how people tick. This is hilighted in an article posted on Inc.com which states:
Employee experience is very much a psychological and sociological pursuit.

Organizations are now taking these pursuits more seriously as they try to truly create environments where people want to show up to work. This is no longer just a challenge that an organization can overcome with perks, higher pay, or gimmicks. Instead, the business world is turning to social scientists to really help them understand why and how people tick.

You can access the full article here. Investing in NLP enabled me to deepen my understanding of how people tick and directly apply this to my leadership role, my approach with people and process improvements throughout the employee lifecycle.

Interviewing is no longer simply about ensuring they can do the job.

The key to winning talent is to create a powerful connection with people that makes them choose you. Great connection and your understanding of their needs will make them leave the interview wanting to work with you and do a great job. Being present is one of the most powerful ways to build connection. Many potential employees attend interviews and find the Managers distracted, making it a tick box exercise because they are keen to get back to their busy workload.

People can feel it if you are busy in your head thinking about what has happened or what will happen when you get back to your desk. When you are completely in the present moment, you can have a meaningful and memorable interaction. An NLP technique we use for this is the NOW State otherwise known as Hakalau. Learn more about this and watch a video on our website here.

Improve staff retention

The HR Magazine has posted an article hilighting research that shows that development is more important to people than career progression. You can see the article on their website here. That’s why more and more companies are investing in NLP. NLP is a set of tools for personal excellence that extends across all contexts of life, ultimately empowering us to create the results we want in life. Our emotional well-being has a huge impact on our life. Our work, our family, our health and our relationships. Therefore when you create self-development opportunities for your employees, you change their life.

This is the kind of act that earns you loyalty, commitment and deep gratitude.
More and more companies are realising that this is the best route to high levels of staff retention.

We have explored various benefits of NLP for Leaders, however this is an extensive subject and cannot be fully covered in just one article. There are so many ways in which NLP can apply to business. If you would like further resources covering NLP and Leadership then you can contact us for information: or , alternatively we have valuable business tips on our audio track available here.

NLP and Leadership by Natalie Rea

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