Is our past really that important after all?
To be able to understand how our past affects the now and our future we have to recognise how our nervous system works and appreciates the life that occurs around us.
Have a look here at the whole concept of memories.
A good working memory simply is a library – now that’s not rocket science, yet the meaning we put on our memories determines how we perceive all of the life around us. As an example if the boss comes along and admonishes you in some way, one person may react in a very negative appraisal of this feedback. Yet another person may look at it as an advantage for some feedback to get where they want to go.
In both these examples the fact of the matter would be exactly the same. In my childhood both my parents were police officers and my stepfather was also a police officer, that a lot of uniforms! I could have had any perceptions at all about uniforms, my parents, my upbringing or my childhood. Yet I had a negative view of my childhood and a negative view of these uniforms and that’s what I grow up with.
And there is absolutely nobody to blame for these perceptions – it’s just what I did as a child and it’s just how my brain worked and how it interpreted all of the facts around me. The memory per se is just a memory and is just the facts.
My perceptions of that memory led me to a life where I avoided doing business with people in suits and they avoided me, in fact the whole energetic equation between us meant we were never to marry at this time. When I learned how memories worked and how all perceptions are created by the individual, I was able to work on the perceptions and clear out my adopted meaning that I had put on each memory. I could then also reach the limiting beliefs that I had created through those particular times, and things started to change
Firstly businesses started to come towards me. And eventually even the UK government came to me and asked me for training. As you can imagine. the UK government really does invoke the idea of authority! That was a huge convincer that things really had started to transform.
And eventually the Nemesis themselves, the police force (yes the ultimate in uniforms) came to me and ask me for NLP training. That was many years ago and the same police force still asks me to come in and deliver the training to those guys because they (and I of course) got so much from it!
So from cleaning up one memory, or one series of memories, I opened a whole treasure chest full of new possibilities. Now that list has grown and includes twenty one blue chip companies, other governmental institutes and schools across the country.
That’s why working with memories is so important, and as an NLP practitioner and Master practitioner, the learning that you have achieved will enable you to be able to work on the deepest memories in this lifetime, plus the scope to work with any mindset of memory trail. Even travelling back to the womb and before.
And that’s just one reason an NLP practitioner is so valuable in the world. To be able to work on memories at this level is equivalent to a surgeon doing keyhole surgery.
Click on this link if you want to find other ways of powerfully working with important past memory.