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The idea that there is one ‘perfect’ partner out there in the world for you is an outdated concept, born out of mistranslations of old mythical scripts. There is no doubt that you and I have a strong connection to wanting to belong, to be held and to merge with the undying light of all lights – yet in all of that, to project that onto another human being is like saying that there is one piece of earth for a plant and none other is ‘right’.

SAM_0594With the analogy of a flower, the one true love would be the sun. Yet the illusion would be that they have to be together and hold each other. If that were the case, the flower would die in the intensity of the heat. And maybe that is the absolute fantasy, to die like a firework in complete ecstasy, burning up and exploding in the heat of connection!

It is true that a sperm has to die into an egg to gain union, and that demands complete commitment from both the egg and the sperm. Yet that commitment is not to one solid material object, it’s a commitment to an evolution and an expansion that bears no resemblance of the materials that made the journey. And what made that journey is now gone.

It seems to be an inbuilt fairy story that we will meet ‘the one’ person and that one person will take us the whole journey all the way to Nirvana. Yet, as in all fairy stories there seems to be some ogre or monster that comes along and ruins the whole thing about three pages in! Of course, by now you may have seen that the monster resembles something of your own unconscious self.

Yet what you may have not been aware of is that the reflection that your partners show back to you is merely to help you along your own way. There is no other obligation or reason to find ‘the one’ – other than to give you a reflection so that your path may be clearer.

Two hands holding an apple | NLP World.In the bible it was said that when Adam was created it was not fair that he was by himself that God would create a “help meet”. Basically something that could mirror a self back to itself. It was said that God took a rib from Adam and created another self. A self called Eve. From that self we now have words like Evil, Devil, Evening and Even.

And from that story we have now created a strange phenomena whereby it is perceived by some that woman actually belongs to man.

Yet from the original writings which date back pre-English, the real translation would be that the result belongs to the intention. And the the “help meet” that God sent was not to be a partner that liked your hair and the colour of your eyes (but a bonus if they did), but a reflection so that you and I can see each other on our individual journeys.

Of course, lovers and married couples are a good idea, yet the old paradigm of how to be in relationship is fading fast (over 60% divorcees agree) and it’s time to let the past go and introduce the future of your relationships.

So what is the real commitment? The only commitment in reality is the connecting to your own personal journey. Your journey towards the light. And these wonderful people we meet that we fall in love with can always be there with us. But we don’t have to choose one and exclude the others from being so close. There is a place where everyone fits together is a perfect union of relating.

All we have to work out is the concept of possession, territory, boundaries, pride, rejection and what love really is. Work in progress 🙂

Watch this space for an upcoming workshop on the principles of Your Perfect Partner.

Also have a look at an earlier blog called The Power of Choice

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The Ultimate Retreat: NLP Practitioner Training with an African Twist Imagine embarking on a transformative journey of personal growth and professional development in a serene

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