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adam sprackling golf nlp coach

NLP and Golf Coaching

I’ve been learning, applying and training NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) since 1994 in life, business and golf. Having studied a few other things along the way too, I’ve got a pretty good idea now about what NLP is, what it’s not, how it works and most importantly how useful it is. I got into studying NLP through my frustration at studying my degree in psychology. My experience of psychology was that it was very interested in why we did what we did and then testing various hypotheses to form various generalisations

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Your CPD points with NLP Coaching and Training

NLP World qualifies you to a certain amount of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points towards a number of qualifications, including coaching & Mentoring certification. This means you can become a qualified coach quite soon after completing an NLP course with CPD points at the completion. You’ll gain CPD points every time you attend an NLP training or complete an online NLP coaching course with us.

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NLP and effective self-change

I asked a good friend recently what he wanted to know about NLP. He replied “How does NLP work with effective self change?”
So this post is my answer to how NLP works with effective self-change, or self transformation. When you think of developmental stages in your life, there will always be patterns of change. So what is self-change and how come it doesn’t just happen automatically? Through the eyes of an NLP Practitioner, you’ll see that all change is unconscious.

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9th Nov – 15th Nov 2024

(Retreat, SA)

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