The NLP Glossary has been the flagship of NLP World – this article talks about the NLP Glossary section of NLP World- and where it went.. and how it came back!
Imagine this – you have a child or a loved one. You send them on a holiday with a trusted person who is going to spend time expanding their abilities and making them simply – better. Then, when they are supposed to come home, they go missing.
That’s what happened to the glossary section for NLP World on my website.
Put this into perspective. It took 15 years of massive work – 14 hour days and countless nights making NLP World the biggest source of information out there.
We eventually got each keyword (mostly from the glossary section) onto the first page of google. That included all the pictures, videos, SEO alt tags, meta tags – you name it – for each page entry (there are about 250 pages in the glossary). Gone.
I only noticed because my original webmaster, Zain Bador was doing some search engine optimisation and link-checking work on our newly rebuilt NLP World South Africa website.
He pointed out that every time he clicked a linked glossary page, it went to a 404 (technical term for a missing page). This happened shortly after a new installation of the site had occurred.
“No problem” the web educated of you say, “just use the back up that every developer worth their salt would do before undertaking such a mission”.
Yes you guessed it – they hadn’t! And no back-ups from Dreamhost we could use either.
To cut a month long story short, we managed to find an old back-up from 2020 and the genius that is Mr. Bador made my ‘loved one’ come back to life.
So I’m asking you – and Google – to take a look at some of the terms, in the reality that all terms will be indexed again as they were and all that work with be relived and revived on the www.
Here are some of the terms from the Glossary.
NLP Glossary Terms: A
- Accessing Resourceful States
- Accessing Cues
- AdVerb
- Agreement frame
- The Allergy Pattern
- Analogue
- Analogue Marking
- Anchoring
- As-If Frame
- Associated
- Auditory
- Auditory Digital
NLP Glossary Terms: B
NLP Glossary Terms: C
- Cause and Effect
- Chaining
- Chaining States
- Chunking
- Circle Of Excellence
- Collapsing Anchors
- Comparative Deletion
- Complex Equivalence
- Compulsion Blow-Out
- Conditional Close
- Confusion To Understanding
- Congruence
- Conscious
- Conscious – Unconscious Integration
- Content
- Content Reframe
- Content Reframe
- Context Reframe
- Contrast Frame
- Contrastive Analysis
- Conversational Anchoring
- Conversational anchoring
- Conversational Postulate
- Conversational Parts Integration
- Convincer Strategy
- Criteria
- Critical Submodality
- Cross Over Mirroring
NLP Glossary Terms: D
- Deductive
- Deep Structure
- Deletion
- Derivation
- Digital
- Dissociated
- Distortion
- Double Binds
- Downtime
- De-Identification Pattern
NLP Glossary Terms: E
NLP Glossary Terms: F
NLP Glossary Terms: G
NLP Glossary Terms: H
- Hakalau
- Hallucination
- Hierarchy Of Ideas (also called chunking)
- Ho’oponopono
- Hypnosis
- Hypnotherapy
- Hypnotism
NLP Glossary Terms: I
NLP Glossary Terms: K
NLP Glossary Terms: L
- Lateral Thinking
- Law Of Dominant Effect
- Law Of Requisite Variety
- Lead System
- Leading
- Limiting Belief
- Limiting Decision
- Logical Level
- Applying Logical Levels
- Lost Performative
NLP Glossary Terms: M
- Mapping Across
- Meaning Reframe
- Meta
- Meta Position
- Meta-Model
- Meta-Model
- metaphors
- Metaphor
- Metaprograms
- Milton Model
- Mind read
- Mirroring
- Mismatching
- Modal Operators
- Modalities
- Model
NLP Glossary Terms: N
NLP Glossary Terms: O
NLP Glossary Terms: P
- Pacing
- Parts
- Parts Integration
- Parts integration (visual squash)
- Pattern Interrupt
- Perceptual Positions
- Phobia
- Phonological Ambiguity
- Physiology Of Excellence
- Post Hypnotic Suggestion
- Precision Model
- Predicates
- Preferred Rep System
- Presuppositions In Language
- Primary Representational System
- Pacing & Matching
- Parts Negotiation
- Pattern Interrupt
- Perceptual Positions
- The Phobia Cure Pattern
- Predicates (visual, audio, tactile, self talk, olfactory, gustatory)
NLP Glossary Terms: Q
NLP Glossary Terms: R
- Rapport
- Reference System
- Referential Index Shift
- Reframing
- Relevancy Frame
- Representational Systems
- Resourceful State
- Resolving Internal Conflicts
- Resources
- Representational Systems
- Reframing
NLP Glossary Terms: S
- Satir
- Search Anchor
- Second Position
- Secondary Gain
- Self Edit
- Self Inventory
- Sensory Acuity
- Spelling Strategy
- States
- Strategies
- Strategy
- Submodalities
- Surface Structure
- Swish Pattern
- Synaesthesia
- six step sales strategy
- Strategies/
- Eliciting Subconscious Responses
- Submodalities
- The Swish Pattern
NLP Glossary Terms: T
- Tag Questions
- The Purpose Frame
- The Secret
- The What If Frame
- Third Position
- Through Time
- Time Based Techniques
- Time Code
- Trance
- Transderivational Search
- Trigger
- The Kinesthetic Swish Pattern
- Time line therapy